You all know that our body needs energy for its functioning and the energy sources come from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Owing to years of conditioning that a low-fat carbohydrate rich diet is essential for good health, we have become used to depending on glucose (from carbohydrates) to get most of the energy that our body needs. Only when the amount of glucose available for energy generation decreases, does our body begin to break down fat for drawing energy to power our cells and organs. This is the express purpose of a ketogenic diet.
This cookbook covers:
★ Introduction to the Keto Diet
★ Breakfast Recipes
★ Snacks, Sides and Appetizers Recipes
★ Lunch Recipes
★ Dinner Recipes
★ Desserts Recipes
For the most part, when someone talks about this or that diet, it will usually conjure up images of constraint, hunger, calorie counting and the assorted inconveniences that many have to put up with to see any sort of success with the traditional calorie restriction diets.
The fundamental basis of most diets for weight loss inherently involves calorie restriction via carefully calculating the allowed calorie consumption with the express goal of letting the body burn more calories than it takes in on a daily basis. After all, the fats that most people are so eager to get rid of are actually the product of excess calorie intake that usually shows itself as excess glucose in the bloodstream, which is then metabolized by the liver into fatty acids that are then stored in our body's favorite areas of adipose fat cells like the stomach, hips and yes, your chin.
When we restrict calories, we are actually trying to tell our body to burn off those fat cells that have accumulated over the years. But here is the problem, for a body that has been attuned to burning carbohydrates for fuel, even with the plentiful abundance of adipose fat being present, the body just doesn't. It is just like a person going to a buffet without recognizing that it is in fact a buffet!
Ketogenic diets on the other hand, rarely if ever has any calorie restrictions, mainly due to the fact that the diet, when subsisting mostly on healthy dietary fat, is actually incredibly satiating. It is this satiating effect, coupled with the diet's ability to control and keep in check hunger pangs much better than any other diets, that naturally keeps the calorie count in line. Oh, and the juicy bit that your body becomes a fat burner when you are keto-adapted helps too!
Buy this book now and learn how to prepare different low low-carb keto recipes!