The Ketogenic diet is a diet that has low carbohydrate content and, in contrast, a much higher content of fat. It is also commonly referred to as the LCHF diet - low carb, high fat.
In the keto diet, the dietary expectation of you is to make sure your intake of protein-rich foods is appropriate, as this is the very foundation of the diet. There was a time when it was used as a treatment method for many types of ailments and diseases, whereas currently, it has garnered vast amounts of popularity for its effectiveness in weight loss, especially for those who are taking up the keto diet specifically to lose weight.
All around the world, it is being hailed by experts and specialists as the diet that can change your life with the smallest of alterations made in your dietary habits and lifestyle.
This cookbook covers:
◆ Introduction to Keto Diet
◆ Breakfast Recipes
◆ Lunch Recipes
◆ Dinner Recipes
◆ Snacks, Sides and Appetizers Recipes
◆ Desserts Recipes
Normally, what happens in your body is that it burns carbohydrates in order to generate energy for you to function on. While on the keto diet, fats do the job of being the primary source of energy. Any person with a normal diet ends up consuming enormous quantities of carbohydrates, be it as a choice or something they consider to be the general approach to diets. But it is important to note that when carbohydrates are converted into glucose, the vast amounts of carbs turn into outrageous amounts of glucose that are released into your bloodstream, which in turn leads to weight gain.
This is where the ketogenic diet steps in. The replacement of carbohydrates with fats turns them into ketones. And in turn - ketones become the principal energy source.
Learn different keto recipes to prepare for everyday cooking. Grab a copy of this book now!