An Intimate Dance with the Soul of a Poet
Poems, Prayers, Wisdoms & Prose
Let's pause for a moment and look at the trees, the animals, the mountains, the rivers and streams. Look at everything! Look in awe! See its mystery, it's beauty. Where did all this come from? It's wonder-full. Now look at yourself; see your beauty, see your mystery. Be in awe! Where did you come from and why? You too are wonder-full.
This book is your book. It's centered around these four main articles: Love's Infusion ... a Souls Embrace, The Invisible World We Live In ... Express From, Beyond Gender ... From Person To Temple, and Being Heaven on Earth.
We are all born unique. Each of us has a gift that only we can share. There is a divineness here that is accessed deep, deep, deep in the center of our being. This is where each of us can access all life's mysteries, ideas, information, Knowledge, insights, intuitions, and wisdoms in direct relation to our own journey. Yes! Our humanness is a journey to our divineness. Align! Allow! Be! Know life and where it is lived. Awaken! Life is a gift ... you are a gift to life.
Everything begins and ends with consciousness. Nothing happens without first being in your consciousness and its thoughts. Your invisible world produces your experience in the visible outside world. What you see is what you feel.
Come join the dance ... be soul to soul. Go inward ... this is where life is lived and everything flows from. Be alive ... see the world in a new light as it was meant to be. Feel conflict ... become peace. See all life in its beauty. Feel joy instead of difficult times. But above all know love in all of its forms. It's yours, all yours. Just be. It's all about harmony. Love is the answer. Love is the way. You are 'Heaven on Earth'.