It's a story about the triumphs and tragedies of Maude Derringer, a
highly sophisticated socialite from the city of Beverly Hills, who after
struggling with drug addiction for a while in the early days of her career
as a writer of modern-day literature, moves to the state of Oregon.
There, she falls madly in love with a man (Ricky Vestellini), a handsome
young man of Italian heritage, and that changes her life forever however
not before escaping a harrowing ordeal at sea. Then, as fate would have
it, her strong compulsion to live in France becomes reality when they get
married and move to France to begin a new life for themselves on the
French Riviera. Unfortunately, their marriage doesn't very last long. In
fact, she makes a heartbreaking discovery. The man she loves is having
an affair with another woman so she files for divorce and takes the
children back to the United States to live. There, she meets up with an
old friend, Ken Stackford and they suddenly rekindle their friendship.
A short courtship ensues, and a short time later, she marries him but
the marriage lasts all of three months. What happened next would
make even the strongest of hearts cringe in fear as she extracts a horrific
revenge on both men. Maude does succeed in her endeavor to get even
with them for their infidelity, however not before she pays the price of
having suffered through two failed marriages.
The author - Aaron McDougall was born in a small town in north
central Maine in the shadow of Mount Katahdin and the natural beauty
of Baxter State Park. Over the years, he has come to enjoy listening to
music, fishing, hiking, stamp collecting, reading, and adventure, wherever
life had the good fortune to take him. Once an active postal worker,
he spent many a day working as a city letter carrier, a retail sales clerk
and also as a mail handler. Now retired, most of his time is spent on writing novels
these days. If that isn't happening, he's more than likely
just sitting back in his easy chair, enjoying his time watching television
or reading a good book. It also goes without saying, he really and truly
loves nature and the pristine beauty of the north Maine woods much the
same way Henry David Thoreau did in the 19th century.