If you're reading this, I'm probably dead.
Okay, starting a journal is hard. I smirked as I wrote that cliche opening you'd expect from a dramatic, posthumous video. But it's true--if you, dear reader, have found this book, there's a good chance I'm already dead. Between the howlers outside, or the threat of other survivors, or, heck, the baby I'm about to give birth to any day now without any assistance of any kind . . .
. . . well, you get the idea.
And that is probably why I got this journal. I'd like to remember times that weren't as awful.
This will be a story about how the howler apocalypse started, the people I met, the wonderful outside world, and the quiet at the end of it all--loneliness, desperation . . . and, most importantly, the story about how I met Scott.
Scott, ever-handsome, kind eyes, and a face that tells a story . . . and, as I got to know him more, that story changed and evolved.
I don't know where he is now.
But for a while, even though the world around us had fallen apart, things felt perfect when we were together. It was . . . it was love after it all.
And it was extraordinary.