About the Book
When I was in my early teens, I looked at my Mum and Dad and thought, this seems 'easy', partners just turn up, don't they? I mean, this always seemed normal for me, relationship troubles were the last thing on my mind, after all, how hard can it be? I can talk to people, that will be enough. How wrong I was. This book is a journey to the Truth of Love, it is an honest, direct reference to my experiences and life history, to enable the reader to accomplish what I have, and that's true love. Not only have I managed to find a partner, who is just mesmerising, the search for love helped me to uncover many untruths about humanity that I had previously left unturned. Whilst I accept that, at times, I was naive and dishonest, it was these traits that helped me to discover more about life, I had gone wrong, yes, but by acknowledging that I had got 'love' wrong, could I then be taught how to correct it. It took time, effort and heart searching, but, with Truth on my side, I uncovered gems of information, I discovered truths, I discovered my inner self and above all, it helped me to discover what is hiding behind the word 'creation'. For those who dare to tread the boards of misery in relationships, are those who will tread the boards of truthfulness, love and accomplishment. For you are, loved.
About the Author: My professional career started as a Weapons Engineer and Bomb Disposal Technician in the Royal Air Force. I was a person who took the wrong choices in life, well, the choices that I made brought misery, so they must have been wrong for me. I set out to be a nice person, but, just couldn't quite manage it most of the time. My thoughts seemed to want only for my destruction, as well as bring misery and unfaithfulness to many people. I became a man obsessed with removing my thought and my ego, I sought only freedom, what I got - I never bargained for. Finding what I call God was the tip of the iceberg, from wanting only to be free, if you like, of all of the stuff that bounced around my head, turning to God was the last thing on my mind. I never had a spiritual or religious upbringing, as far as I was concerned, those types were hypocrites, not knowing their own nature and preaching to others as they knew best. I didn't want that, I wanted to know my innermost self, I strove to keep away from such people and what I found was mesmerising. The face of Christ was revealed to me on the 20 January 2015, as I cried with joy, I just could not work out what had happened, I hid away in fear of being castigated as an idiot, but, with time on my side I grew stronger, I found new freedoms, the voice disappeared - albeit eventually. Now I live a life of freedom, I just want to help those to find it themselves, much like me. Truth is within you and so is Our God, shining so bright, the only thing is, this happened by accident. I set out to be someone quite different, what I found, blew me away with such force, I cannot quite describe the feeling of peace that I live with every single day. For who you are is sacred, I tell you, but what you have to realise is that something is within you, right now, you'll not find it by hiding any dishonesty, but you will by being open with yourself - and God and eventually something absolutely stunning will come into your life and change it forever.