In the mists of antiquity, long before recorded history, an advanced civilization flourished upon the Earth-the enigmatic Anunnaki. Originating from an unknown realm, these celestial beings established outposts across the planet, including the verdant continent of Lemuria and the island of Atlantis. Their influence wove an indelible thread through the tapestry of human history.
After seven years of research and talking to key historians, Emmanuel Simms was able to adapt this into a transmedia masterpiece. Watch how he uses his creative mind and vision to take this original story, based on real events, and what could reveal the origin of the world.
Follow the journey of Arken, an intrepid archaeologist driven by an insatiable curiosity about the Anunnaki's impact on early human societies. When he stumbles upon an ancient codex hidden deep in the Guatemalan jungle, Arken embarks on a perilous quest to uncover the truth behind a cataclysmic event that wiped out entire civilizations.
From the mist-shrouded peaks of Mount Shasta to the desolate deserts of the American Southwest, Arken uncovers fragments of the lost Lemurian and Atlantean empires. Alongside Selene, a mysterious high priestess with ties to Atlantis, Arken's search reveals a complex web of celestial forces, extraterrestrial influence, and a shadowy cabal that seeks to keep these truths buried.
As they venture across the globe-from Mesoamerican temples to the ruins of Göbekli Tepe-Arken and Selene must decide whether to embrace the Anunnaki's legacy or reject the powerful, dangerous knowledge it holds.
Perfect for fans of speculative history, ancient civilizations, and heart-pounding adventure, this thrilling narrative unravels the mysteries of Earth's hidden past and presents a tantalizing look at the origins of humanity.