Blast fat on the Atkins and Paleo Diets Atkins Diet by Jennifer Cane and Paleo Diet by Jeannie Lambert have been collected together for the first time in one volume, Lose Weight with the Atkins and Paleo Diet Plans.
Description from Atkins Diet by Jennifer Cane Are you embarking on weight loss quest? Well, there are different methods out there believed to help you reduce weight. The decision lies upon you to make the most convenient method that suits your needs as well as helping you achieve your dreams in the shortest time possible.
Remember that not everything method considered the best can be good for you act smart to select only the best. You do not necessarily have to overwork yourself so that you can cut back unnecessary fat in your body, no. Atkins gives you a better alternative and you will not regret any bit about it since it enables you to experience positive results in a remarkably short time.
The Atkins diet was established about 20 years ago by an American heart specialist known as Dr. Robert Atkins. He used to recommend food with low levels of carbohydrates and found out that apart from improving their heart conditions, the diet helped them to shed some unwanted fat. He found out that the carbohydrates restriction forced the body to use body stored fat hence assisting in burning the excess fat in your body.
Find out what people around the world are discovering: how to lose weight safely and effectively with the Atkins Diet. Take that step to regain the body you have always wanted!
Description from Paleo Diet by Jeannie Lambert You may ask, what is the Paleo diet? In essence, Paleo diet is one of the healthiest diets that is in existence. Its nutritional framework informs this dietary approach. The focus of this diet boosts your body functioning by enhancing the genetic aspect of your body. This ensures that you remain lean, grow stronger as you live energetically.
The Paleo diet consists of lean proteins, fresh fruits, and vegetables. In addition, it has healthy fats from naturally occurring nuts and animals. Some of the fats that exist in this diet include avocado fats, fish oil and the grass fed meats.
Clinical trials have shown that the Paleo diet is an optimum diet that can easily lower the risk of blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, help with weight loss, reduce acne, markers of inflammation, and promote optimum health and athletic performance.
Get healthy and regain your life today!