✓ Do you want to lose weight, build a strong, muscular, healthy and aesthetic body or just improve your mood and fitness?
✓ Or maybe you want to burn fat in your belly?
Whatever your goal and needs, this book can help you achieve your goals.
★ To achieve your goal, you need to take care of your nutrition and physical activity. As an expert and personal trainer, I know what you need and what you need to do to achieve your goal in the fastest way possible;
- In this book you will find
◆ Best tips and tricks for maximum fat burning,
◆ Find out how important the mind is in the weight loss process and how to program it for success.
◆ With Trainer's tips you will also learn how to create your own workout program and nutrition plan, tailored to your needs and the goal you want to achieve (of course you can use the ready-to-use Full Body Workout which I have put in a book that is very popular and effective among my clients who have tested it.
★ In addition, you can;
✓ Keep track of your progress,
✓ Count the calories and macro nutrients,
✓ Enter the workouts with the number of sets, repetitions, weight used,
✓ Place your favorite recipes,
✓ Record your body dimensions.
⚠ To use all these tools and thus build a strong, muscular, healthy and aesthetic body, you will do so by sticking to the principles of this book for the coming weeks.
Of course, I don't know how old you are, where you start and where you go, but trust the navigation and sooner or later you will reach your destination.
♥ Thanks for your time and I welcome you to the Growth Zone ✓⚠...