The Long and Short Family stories are interactive. Pause slightly and see if your children can shout out before you say the Bolded word. The Biggly Family story is strictly for reading entertainment.
Long Family
In a beautiful home in a wonderful town in a magnificent state in the greatest country in the world, there lived a family called the LONG family. The LONG family live in a town named LONG Meadow. They lived on a LONG street and had a very LONG driveway. As you approached the LONG family home, you should be prepared for a LONG trip because it will take a LONG time.
Short Family
In a town very close to you, there lived the SHORT family. Their story is a SHORT one, so don't blink or sneeze. If you visit at night, the family loves to sit around their SHORT table, on their SHORT chairs, and tell SHORT stories while eating their delicious strawberry SHORT cake. I generally prefer to come on a weekend when I'm SHORT on time and stay for a SHORT visit because Mr. SHORT has a very SHORT attention span.
Biggly Family
The Biggly family story is for you to read or have read to you. John Biggly is always looking for new friends and hopes you will be his friend too.
Hello, my name is BIGGLY, John BIGGLY, or often Big John BIGGLY. That's because I'm a rather big person. Being so BIGGLY, people were often afraid of me. Like with many things, if you're different, people can be afraid of you or they can make fun of you. As a result, when I was a young man, I was rather a loner. That wasn't the most fun time in my life, but as I have often found, with patience, honesty, and kindness, things often get better, especially if you throw in a BIGGLY sense of humor. Being so biggly and strong, I've had many interesting jobs but sometimes they just didn't work out. In one such job, I was a lumberman and at first everyone was impressed that I was able to chop down a tree in one or two chops much like the famous Paul Bunyan, but unfortunately I was let go from this job because I broke too many axes. For fun, I often carry all my children on my back. They're like my little monkeys and can climb anything, including all over me. I sometimes wonder how I ever got so lucky to be BIGGLY and to have such a wonderful family and life. Even though there have been many stories about how big and strong I am, my greatest accomplishment, what I'm most proud of, is that I'm known for having a heart that is very BIGGLY.