Embark on an extraordinary adventure alongside Chelle, a runaway girl with a thirst for mischief, and Griff, a seasoned con man who becomes her unexpected mentor. Their lives take an unexpected turn when a chance encounter leads them to an antique shop in New York City, where a mysterious pendant alters their destiny forever.
Unbeknownst to Chelle, the pendant possesses a hidden power, activated by her playful curiosity. In a whirlwind of events, a sudden cyclone engulfs them, transporting them back in time to Medieval England, specifically to the besieged town of York. Here, they find themselves ensnared in the clutches of a tyrannical con man known as The Wizard, who rules with an iron fist.
Determined to find a way back home, Chelle and Griff must navigate the treacherous world of the past, utilizing their cunning and skills of deception. As they encounter a cast of colorful characters and immerse themselves in a society teeming with secrets, they devise intricate schemes to outwit The Wizard and unravel the mystery behind the pendant's true purpose.
With every twist and turn, Chelle and Griff delve deeper into a world filled with danger, intrigue, and unexpected alliances. As their bond grows stronger, they become an unstoppable force, unearthing buried truths and fighting for freedom against overwhelming odds.
"The Long Chron" is a captivating tale that seamlessly blends time travel, historical fiction, and the art of the con. Join Chelle and Griff on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery, as they navigate a perilous landscape to find their way back home while forever altering the course of history.
Will their cunning be enough to overcome the oppressive reign of The Wizard and unlock the secrets of the pendant? Find out in this thrilling adventure that will keep you turning the pages until the very end.