This book is about my life. I was born in 1964 in Georgia. We moved a lot. My parents were very strict-well, to me, anyway. I could not wear shorts or even put my hair up. If I ask to put on makeup, my mother said no. I was hit in the head with a brush when my parents would fight. My mother would pull my hair when she was mad. I guess you could say I had a bad childhood. I was slapped so hard I hit the wall. I was raped at the age of nine. I saw my mother trying to kill herself. I was in a burning house at the age of two. My dad would buy me and my brothers stuff. The boys got theirs, but I was told I would get mine next week, but I didn't get it. I think my mother was jealous of me.
Well, after we moved to Jackson, things were better. We had a lot of friends, and we went swimming, played ball, went to Indian Springs State Park, walked in a pasture, and meet the Bowens. We were like a family. My uncle was killed in 1979. That's when I left and meet James. He played Santa for my little sister Tanya because she would not go to sleep. We got married in 1982, then we had Becky and then Brenda in 1984. Then in 1986, Bud was born. I learned what it was like to be a mother. We would go to church every Saturday. One day, we didn't go, but later that night, an angel came and said, "Go to church," so we did.
The preacher said, "I knew you were coming. The angel told me."
As time went on, we went through James's drinking, going to jail, going to rehab, the births of our grandkids, the death of our granddaughter, death of our son, James going over the deep end, and now the birth of our great-grandkid, and the love of God, friends, and family.