DESCRIPTION OF BOOKThe book represents a unique contribution and appeal to the society at large. It touches on the very important practical aspects of logic, especially how logic could be properly and wisely used to avoid or prevent conflicts in inter-human relations, in the social setting.
The author believes that it would be very difficult to find a comparable book of such a practical nature on logic. He has been a keen student and observer of logic and logical reasoning for a long time. He has encountered much problems and frustration with the use of logic in relation to his interaction and dealings with his fellow-beings.
The ideas in the book have been culled from his own personal experiences, his own research and study, and considerable amount of time devoted to thinking about logic and logical reasoning.
The ideas in the book represent some of the most important and deepest thoughts of the author and are expected to make the reader realize things he has not known before. It should be a mind-expanding adventure for him.
The most important thing is that the book offers some tip on how to improve one's powers of logical reasoning. It is a treatise on logic and logical reasoning. It provides the answers to such important questions as: What is logic? What is the proper way of logical reasoning? How could harmony and peace in society be achieved through the proper utilization of logic?
The author thinks that thanks to his trained or acquired ability in using logic he has finally found the solution to a very important technical problem, in fact the most important problem in the field, which had been reviewed and approved by field experts and has just been published in an international research journal.
The title had received some publicity from the press.
The author has published about 20 books, two of which have been adopted as reference texts and commended by professional bodies. He was also the editor of a book of essays. He has taught many professional and management subjects for years. He has published a number of important papers, including several papers on the solutions to some famous, unsolved problems in research journals and has served on the faculty of an American research university as a professor. He has received publicity from the press for some intellectual achievement.