The Lockdown On Self-Love, How to make suffering work for you
Author - Antonio De Sousa
Book back cover description -
- Imagine that another version of you materialised before your own eyes with all of life's answers, saying: -
- From now on you won't have to worry about a thing.
- Everything will be taken care of.
- From this day on, moving forward, your life is going to improve.
You both hold on to one another and have a good cry. You then hear "This too shall pass."
You're then asked the following set of questions.
- How can I be of service to you?
-How can I support you?
-What areas of your life would you like to improve and how can I help?
-Lastly, how can I love you?
The most important relationship there will ever be is the one with your own self.
And the biggest project you will ever work on is yourself, too.
You might as well make it a good one.
Antonio's deeply personal memoir is a testament to the human spirit, showing courage and unwavering determination to confront and overcome his own difficulties, serving as a profound source of inspiration for anyone seeking to enhance their life for the better and carve out a meaningful future for themselves.
Before embarking on this literary voyage, ensure your mind is a blank canvas, and that you read it with an open heart.
It's a thought provoking read!