About the Book
Living in this Crazy World can be and should be a lot less Burdensome than it is for most People, who often Claim to be Independent, as if such a Thing were Possible, which might Explain WHY so many People Suffer so much: beCause they have not Discovered the Simplicity of the First Church of Jesus Christ, who had "all things in common among them," who Shared their Wealth, whereby there were no Poor People among them - at least according to the Holy Bible, whose Authors did not go into any Explicit Details concerning just Exactly HOW they Managed their Affairs without any Unsociable Insecurity Checks, Medicare, Medicaid, nor even Government Food Stamps. Indeed, "there were no rich people, nor any poor people among them," but, HOW? Perhaps they Discovered the Loathsome Burdens of the Independent Jackasses long before this Modern Society came about, just to make us Ashamed of ourselves for our Unbelief and Disobedience? Whatever the Case, this Inspired Book presents a New Approach for Solving our Massive Problems, which most People have never Studied, nor even Heard of as of this Date. However, before People Swallow "the Magic Capitalist American Dream Pill," they should Seriously Consider the BAD Side Effects - one of which is that Spiritually Blinding PRIDE, which Prevents them from Understanding the most Simple Truths - such as having "all things in common among them," which does not Mean that they Shared just one Toothbrush among 100 or more People; but, that they did not Claim to Own any Personal Property, other than the Clothes on their Backs, and whatever they might Carry in their own Hands, which would hardly be Practical for Modern "Christians," who are often Chief Possession Worshipers, like Donald Trumpeter, who could never bring themselves around to Accepting any such Christian Doctrines: beCause it is against their Natures. However, very few of those Professing "Christians" have ever stopped to Consider the Loathsome Burdens of the Independent Jackasses, and HOW they could be Liberated from all such Burdens. For Example, a certain Woman has 3 Jobs and 3 Children to Care for, without the Assistance of any Husband: beCause she did not Want to Humiliate herself by Obeying him, in spite of the Fact that she used to Live and Work at Home, when he Provided a Living for himself and his Family, and only asked that she should Attend to the Children and the Household Chores; but, she was Bored by it, and thus supposedly "Liberated" herself from it, only to make a General SLAVE of herself, which Proved to be 3 Times as Humiliating as it used to be when he was in Charge. So, we might say that she Failed to Think it all Through with a Capital T. Likewise, for the Lack of a Good Government, almost all of the People are now Suffering as Education Slaves, Work Slaves, Tax Slaves, Insurance Slaves, Interest Slaves, Rent Slaves, Drug Slaves, Gas Bills Slaves, Food Bills Slaves, ElecTrickery Bills Slaves, Repair Bills Slaves, Water Bills Slaves, Entertainment Bills Slaves, Childcare Slaves, Telephone Bills Slaves, and Endless Bills SLAVES! Yes, "Give to me your Tired, Weary, Huddled Masses, Yearning to be Free with a Capital F, and I will make them into SLAVES of Various Kinds and Colors," says the New Placard on the Rusty Statue of Imaginary Liberty with Justice for none!