About the Book
Bad Times call for Drastic Actions, even as the Great Depression of the 1930's called for World War 2, whereby some 60+ Million People were Killed by one Means or another. Therefore, to AVOID another similar Bloody Gory Crime, it is now High Time to take Action with a Capital A to PREVENT it, which is what this Inspired Book is all about, which can easily be "red" during just one sitting, during one Day, which could easily prove to be the Happiest Day of your entire Life, if you are one of those Overloaded Tax Slaves, Interest Slaves, Insurance Slaves, Drug Slaves, and/or Work Slaves - being what Adolf Junior calls an Independent Jackass with a Loathsome Burden to Bear for your Slave Masters, who never Discovered the JOYS of Working Together with a Great Army of Working Soldiers, who have an Unlimited Supply of Good Money to Work with, as well as all of the Necessary Building Materials, Well-made Tools, and Good Instructions. Yes, General Hadrian of Roman Fame would be Envious of us for all that we have to Work with, while Highways are Crumbling, Bridges are Falling, and Billions of People are Deprived of the Basic Necessities of Life, who do not even have Fresh Clean Air to Breathe, Pure Living Water to Drink, Wholesome Natural Foods to Eat, much less Secure Self-air-conditioned Fireproof Mouse-proof Termite-proof Hail-proof Rot-proof Paint-proof Tornado-proof Insurance-proof Beautiful Stone Dome Homes to Live in, which are Designed by Wise Men, whom Jesus Christ mentioned at the tail end of Matthew 7, in his Sermon on the Mount. Indeed, there is a Way for almost everyone to become Moderately Rich, just by their Labors, alone, whereby they can have those True Riches that we mentioned above, and without Borrowing any Money, nor going into Debt to any Lying Red Jew Banksters, who presently Control our Money Supply, whom Adolf Hitler Junior wants to put OUT of Business! Yes, we should all Join Forces with him, and Help him to do so: beCause this Red Jew Capitalist MADNESS has gone on Long Enough! Indeed, it is now Time for the Honest White Jews to Rule the World, among whom is Adolf Hitler, Junior, who has been Reincarnated, if you can Believe it. (Not everyone will Believe it with a Capital B; but, we Assure you with a Capital A that it is TRUE! Yes, this Book Proves it!) Nevertheless, aside from all of that, we have never Discovered anyone with Better Solutions than are Offered in this Inspired Book, which is WHY we give to it an A Grade: beCause, in that Respect, it is Better than the Holy Bible, which seems to Offer NO Reasonable Solutions for anything! However, we must also Confess that Adolf Discovered certain Important Things in that Holy Bible, which most People just Conveniently Overlooked, unto their own Great Shame, you might say: beCause one of those Things is known as "the Mark of the Beast," which is the Just Reward that Ignorant People will Receive, if they Reject the Great Truths that are Taught by Adolf Hitler, Junior! Yes, that is a Promise from the Most High God, himself! Therefore, do not take this Inspired Book Lightly, as if it were some Anti-Christ JOKE: beCause it is Deadly Serious! In Fact, we Predict that this will soon become the Most Sold Book in World History: beCause it Reveals HOW to Avoid that Mark of the Beast, and even Overcome the Devil, himself! Therefore, please Click your Mouse on the "Look Inside" and Discover for yourself that we are RIIT!