About the Book
Living In Fear: An Ongoing ChoiceWe have been trained, by virtually all of society, to live in the state of Fear, so that we can be controlled by those of the rich and powerful who are also fearful. That is not our destiny! We are here to learn how to live in Love, not Fear. Many of the rich and powerful are no longer fearful and no longer have the need to control anyone. Those of the rich and powerful, who are still choosing to live in fear, will attempt to control all situations and people so that they can build the appearance of safety for themselves - actually very much a false sense of safety, but that is the best that they can do. Almost all humans now live in the state of Fear and do not even understand what Love means, or why it is so desirable.There are only two sets of thoughts and emotions, the set called Fear and the set called Love. The two sets do not overlap and most of us who say that we love another, are not yet capable of Love, since we still live in Fear; unfortunately that is usually by choice, although humans seldom admit that terrible truth. There is no overlap between the sets of Fear and Love. This situation is denied by almost all who live in the set of thoughts and emotions called Fear. It is only when we step out of Fear that we can truly Love: a) ourselves; b) other humans; c) all living things; and d) then even everything in this universe. While the set called Fear has many common emotions, including hate and fear and worry and even despair, the set called Love has fewer states, with the English language less powerful than most in describing them. Four of the Greek words for states of Love are found in the Christian bible. We are spiritual beings having a journey as human beings, since that journey provides us with many opportunities to grow in spiritual power, towards our Divine Creator, God. Everything that happens to us includes the opportunity to look for and find the hidden lesson within it, choose to learn that lesson, then put the lesson into practice. If we choose not to even look for the lesson the first time, new opportunities will come our way. Sooner or later the lessons must be learned!Since God is actually Love, or could be more accurately described as the flowing Process of Love, our learning to live in Love, not Fear, is an essential change for those of us who survive in our present, failed condition. We should be living in Love as it offers such a different way of seeing both the universe and our place within it. There are many states beyond Love, including Unconditional Love, Joy, Peace and finally the complex set of states called Enlightenment. In the end, reaching Enlightenment is your destiny as a human.There are many teachers who can now show us the way. One of the reasons that this author is writing is to help direct the many who have come to understand that their present Religions are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. As we learn to Love better and more powerfully, we will close the present gap between our Creator and ourselves. As we move along The Way, taught and lived and completed by Jesus, The Christ of the Jewish people, we will leave Fear, in all of its manifestations, behind us. When we are living in Fear, we deny that we have a choice; there is no option for us to choose Love as others have done so many things to us that we have no options but to survive in Fear. This viewpoint is false, but is usually treated as Dogma, so it cannot even be rationally discussed. At any instant in time and space we can just reject living in Fear and start living in Love.When the cost of living in Fear becomes too high, just as when the cost of being a drunk becomes too high, we can change how we see things and move on out into our trip along The Way towards our Divine Creator. Most of us have to hit bottom before we make the choice to move out of Fear and into Love. Welcome to being human. Moving on before hitting bottom is smarter!
About the Author: The author, Jim H. White writes as Jesuis Laplume which stands for -I am the pen- or scribe, since he is not always the real author of some of his writings. He finds this to be simultaneously exciting and scary and is driven to write so that others may hear about what he has learned by and through writing. He was trained as a scientist, but in an engineering faculty, so that he learned the basics that would help him understand science and math but help move it into updated Engineering. He then spent five decades helping to move leading-edge science into practice in eight different fields, finding out that the person who told existing experts that they would have to learn new things was not welcomed - nor was his troubling information. He studied both the evolving science, at very large and the very small scales, plus the spirituality part of Religions, to form an overview of how science and spirituality are coming together for the first time since the ancient Greek scholars. They pictured science and philosophy (spirituality is a part of philosophy) as two sides of one coin - still a useful concept. He found from his studies that, for almost two millennia we have been fed lies to prevent us from knowing who we really are, spiritual beings having a human experience. That human journey brings us ongoing chances to learn lessons that we will need if we are to grow in spiritual power towards our Divine Creator. Both science and the spirituality, which is the basic reason for Religions in the first place, are needed as we humans continue our evolution from the thinking but fearful Homo sapiens into the loving Homo spiritus. Many humans are now well along the way in that evolution and can help us follow them if we choose to do so. Most of us, however, will choose to continue to live in fear, with the devil that we know more acceptable than any form of change, even change for the very much better. As a result these reluctant people will be left behind, as part of a failed experiment in mind over spirit, with spirit being the more powerful and desirable. Love and Above to those who will follow!