Living with Friends, Surviving in Style by Thom Ramus is a humorous and heartfelt novel about the trials and tribulations of three lifelong friends-Lucas, Julián, and Mateo-who decide to share an apartment in the bustling city. Each with their own unique personality, they must navigate the challenges of independent living while juggling their personal quirks and financial responsibilities.
Lucas, the stylish and dramatic fashion enthusiast, believes that glamour is everything. His love for luxury clothes and high-end gadgets, however, soon becomes a struggle as bills start piling up. Julián, the pragmatic and organized one, works tirelessly to keep the household afloat with meticulously planned budgets, while Mateo, the laid-back, free-spirited roommate, is just happy to go with the flow and keep things light-hearted.
As the friends face adult responsibilities-rent, utilities, and growing financial pressures-Lucas grapples with his desire to maintain a flawless public image on social media, despite his crumbling bank account. Living with Friends, Surviving in Style hilariously explores themes of friendship, identity, and the balance between living fabulously and living within your means.
If you've ever wondered how to survive with your best friends while trying to keep your personal flair, this book is for you. Packed with witty banter, fashionable dilemmas, and moments of genuine connection, Thom Ramus takes readers on a stylish yet relatable journey of friendship and self-discovery.