The eternal question remains the same in all ages
and before all seekers of the truth:
"Who am I? and what is the purpose of this life?"
Living with the Eternal Truth explains, in simple language, the main
principles of Sufism and the techniques of spiritual training as taught
and modified by three great Sufi saints of the past century.
The Naqshbandiya Sufis are called the Golden Sufis or the silent
Sufis because they practice silent meditation. They do not use music
or dancing or any definite practice. They are not limited to any
country or civilization, but work according to the needs of the people
at the time.
This path is also known as "Raj Yoga," in the sense of being kingly
or royal, and is considered to be a direct road to Absolute Truth,
capable of awakening someone to full perfection in this lifetime.
"One comes nearer to God if there is tranquility and serenity
inside the heart. Absolute Truth can be realized only in silence.
In this system, the universal Soul speaks to the soul
of the individual.... One sheds the ego and purifies the heart,
while leading an ordinary life in society."
Sufis in this lineage live in this world and enjoy material wealth and possessions
without being attached to them. Their "way of being" is all-embracing,
and can be accepted and incorporated into any religion.
For the Sufi, Love is God--"to realize Love is to realize God"--
that is, Love radiates from every part of one's being--in prayer, as well
as in service to humanity.
This book examines how we have lost our real identity due to
ignorance of our true nature. To gain eternal bliss, mental balance,
and tranquility of mind, we first have to find our true selves.
These three profound and revered Masters have so preserved the
teachings, explanations and wisdom of their predecessors that this
book will long be a guide for anyone who truly yearns to become a
realized being.