My name is Iain. When I was diagnosed with cancer, a thought popped into my head. I'll write a book. I don't know where the thought came from. The thought didn't disappear. The book began to appear.
"Living with the C World" is a quirky "chocolate box" of diversions and anecdotes from my battle with 'The Big C'.
My fellow travellers will be familiar with a lot of Chapter 1. Other readers, friends and family are invited to listen in. There's nothing squeamish or embarrassing and it's not all gloom and doom - more like a gentle meander and a chance to smell the roses.
The bulk of the book is about escaping from the Cancer world - out from the pages of Chapter 1 and into Diverse Diversions. If you think that the list of Diverse Diversions, as shown in the contents, is pretty weird, you would be quite right. The only factor in common is that each diversion occurred to me post-diagnosis.
For my own periods of waiting, I found I could not hold my concentration in a book. Too many interruptions and distractions. I lost the plot.
This book is designed for dipping into. All the diversions are stand-alone and not sequential. Start with anyone at any time. It's not a whodunnit and there is no risk of a spoiler.
Above all, remember that all profits go to Cancer Research UK Ltd (CRUK).
Back in the 50s, there was just the big C. There was hope, even expectation, that scientists would crack this disease once and for all.
No. It seemed that scientists were losing, even failing.
No. Science is winning. It's just bloody difficult and complicated. The wonder of nature and the human body. More discoveries only seem to lead to more things to discover.
Science is expensive, so please help.
Buy a copy of this book for your friends. It makes a great present. Or make a gift, with gift aid, to CRUK. If you really feel charitable, consider your will.