Zaki Ameen dedicated his life to Islam. He was raised as a Muslim and studied for a degree in Sharia law, in order to become a qualified Imam. Zaki earned his living from preaching and teaching the principles of Islam, working as an Imam in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and many gulf states.
In the course of his career as an Imam, he started to realise how the teaching of Muhammad and the Quran were used to deceive followers, in order to gain control, money and power. It was with deep agony that he realised what a fool he had been and how he had been brainwashed by a system that had been refined over centuries and how he had, in turn, brainwashed others.
Zaki left Islam and the Mosques and emigrated to the United States, to start a new career and a new life. He became a tax payer making a positive contribution to society. He now saw that being an Imam was like being a parasite, spreading lies and encouraging others to spread the lies of Muhammad.
Zaki started to accept, respect and love people as they are, without prejudice. He accepted all people as equals, including Muslims, whether they obeyed the orders of Allah, or not. This was a genuine love he had never felt before, unfettered by doctrine or religion.
What happened on 9/11 shocked him to his core and it was shortly after that that he realised he could not simply stop following Muhammad, but he had to do more. He became obsessed and haunted by an irresistible urge to let the world know what he had discovered about Muhammad and Islam.
Thus began the journey to write a true biography of Muhammad and the true story of Islam - a long and dangerous journey to write, translate and publish the book that became Living by the Point of My Spear.