"Lynda Madden Dahl's masterful capacity for interpreting and applying the Seth principles has no equal, and she illustrates that with startling clarity in this fourth book of her Living a Safe Universe series. With her fantastic ability to break down the intellectual density of the Seth material, Lynda articulates essential elements into a straightforward series of easy to read points, with the emphasis on psychic health. Through highlighting the fundamental need to recognize our oneness with our whole self and the necessity of having faith and trust in that knowledge, Lynda describes in simple but practical terms the basis of how to use our energy to create enlightened constructions."
-- Ejay Jamb, Australia: Creator and Online Administrator for Seth Network Australia
"Lynda Madden Dahl has produced another remarkable addition to her Living a Safe Universe series. In this volume, Lynda explains further the Sethian enigma that, despite seeming evidence to the contrary, we actually live in a completely safe universe."
-- Joseph Mancini, Jr.: Ph.D., CCHt., M.S.O.D., M.S.W., Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist; Author of forthcoming book, Explorations in Consciousness: The Past Lives Series
"Words cannot be found to describe the contribution Lynda Madden Dahl has made to the expansion of Seth's message. She moved it out of theoretical into practical application in her own life first, living all aspects of it. Then she went on to unify those concepts she personally had focused on into a series of four Living a Safe Universe books, illustrating how the concepts overlap into a coherent and stunning safety, with its basis in trust.
-- Réal Bernier, Canada: Graduate, Université Laval; former Mathematics Professor, Cégep de Rimouski
"Volume 4 is the perfect progression from the previous books of this series. We are now invited by Lynda to think differently about who we are and how we function. She carefully draws together, and then breaks apart, key Seth information to help the reader really see, feel, and understand the collective components of the whole self. Through a series of carefully constructed bullet points, statements, and exercises, Lynda instantly expands our true self out of the confines of physical constructs and linear-time reality, carefully guiding us until, like walking through our bedroom door into a vast cathedral space of possibilities, we deeply sense a complete and renewed wellbeing - a new 'whole self reality.'"
-- Richard J W Gentle, England: Conscious Explorer; Author of What Do You Think?; What Ever You Think; Being Well
"Long-time Seth readers and new Seth readers alike can rejoice in yet another sensational book within the Living a Safe Universe series, written by the great Seth explorer, Lynda Madden Dahl. The complexities, beauty, multi-dimensionality and power of who we truly are come together in this masterpiece. Through a deeper understanding of our 'whole self, ' Lynda shows us that psychic health is a state of oneness, a 'transformation of our whole belief system into a conscious one that mirrors the all-encompassing power of who we are and, by default, leads to living a safe universe.' And it doesn't get better than that!"
-- Jane French, Canada: Northern Lights Direct; Executive Vice President, Operations & Partner