Discover the secret of how to create a successful and enjoyable life with Livin Life Large, Simple Actions that Create Success! This book is full of actionable and timeless wisdom that will help you to get the most out of every single moment of every single day. With insights from one of Tyler Hayden's bestselling keynote presentations, this book will have you kicking yourself saying, "that's so simple - I can do that."Here are the benefits of this book:
- Learn the simple secrets of success and balance work and play
- Gain emotional freedom and life satisfaction
- Change your life with small, easy-to-implement ideas
- Activate your mind and consider simple things you can do in your life RIGHT NOW.
This book includes dozens and dozens of small things you can do to build greater work life integration and ultimately life satisfaction. It covers topics such as "There ain't a U-Haul attached to yer hearse," "A tongue is not that heavy but few can hold it," "Enthusiasm is Caught, Not Taught," "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day," "Like a Flea on a Hot Rock," "If Yer Little Ass was Made of Glass it Woulda Been Broke for Long Ago," and "Stop Chasing "Silver New Nothings."
This book has been praised by many, including Jim Clemmer, International Best Selling Author of VIP Strategy: Leadership Skills for Exceptional Performance, Firing on All Cylinders: The Service/Quality System for High-Powered Corporate Performance; Gary Gaudry, President of Maritime Travel Inc.; and Henry Demone, President & CEO of High Liner Foods Incorporated.
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What People Say:
"Livin Life Large isa highly entertaining and fun book to read that's full of down-home wisdom and inspiration. Tyler taps into the ageless wisdom of simple truths and reminds us of what's really important to successfully enjoying our show trip on this planet"
Jim Clemmer, International Best Selling Author
"A good quick read with some down-to-earth advice that we tend to forget in our busy lives."
Gary Gaudry, President, Maritime Travel Inc.
"Tyler Hayden combines his zest of life with lessons from small-town Atlantic Canada to write this book from which all of us can benefit"
Henry Demone, President & CEO, High Liner Foods Incorporated