A Queen among lions, a Goddess among mortals...
As my powers awakened, I claimed my Rajah and my pride of lionesses through my birthright as a Pride-witch. But, I still don't understand where I come from or where destiny will take me.
Determined to find the truth about my past, I find myself in Nepal in the hopes of discovering who I really am. But when we arrive, I only see more questions than answers in the form of Rajah's cousin, the mountain king Rudra. He is both ruthless and fickle, not at all like the kind-hearted Rajah, yet I find myself drawn to him though I'm uncertain of his motivations.
And the tiger, Sherkhan, is after me with renewed vigor and vengeance.
With my pride of lions and the power of a goddess, I will defeat Sherkhan's army of cursed tiger demons, the Rakshasa. I will topple towers, destroy and demolish destinies, and change the very path of this world. Gone are the days of fearing for my life, and gone are the days of running and hiding. Here I am. I dare you to try and take what I've made for myself.
I dare you to put your head in the mouth of the lion.
Lion's Share is a sizzling Paranormal Romance that contains hot, consensual scenes for adult readers only. This is the second book in the On the Prowl trilogy.
Trigger Warnings:
There are F/M & F/F scenes and the practice of polyamory. Blood. Violence. Trafficking. Why Choose Romance. Cliffhanger.