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A beginners Guide to Kali Linux
The truth is: Kali Linux is an open-source project which is maintained and funded by Offensive Security. It provides state-of-the-art information security training and penetration testing services.
Do you want to know more about Kali Linux? Do you want to increase your knowledge about Kali Linux? Read on...It is a Debian-based Linux distribution which aims at advanced penetration Testing and Security Auditing. There are various tools in Kali which look after information security tasks like Security Research, Computer Forensics, Penetration Testing, and Reverse Engineering.
Linux for Hackers
The truth is: If cybersecurity is one of the careers you are looking forward to you should learn Linux to be the best in your profession. Linux is extremely important to security.
Linux is an open-source as a result of which tool developers get an extra advantage. Are you interested to learn about an operating system which is not only transparent but also can be manipulated in as many ways as possible? Read On to get well aware of one such OS, which is nothing but Linux.
Due to its flexibility, most of the cybersecurity tools are written to run on Linux. Cybersecurity is the protection of every system which is connected through the internet, from any kind of cyber attack. This can include software, hardware and data. In computing terms, security is not only cybersecurity but also physical security. Both these mechanisms are used to safeguard against any kind of unauthorised access to computerized systems and data centres. Any kind of information security which is des
You will also learn:
- The basic of Kali Linux
- Step-by-step guide on how to install and download
- Uses and applications of Kali Linux
- List of all uses with applications
- How scanning of devices in a network works
- Learning the essential hacking command line
- How Linux commands can be used in hacking
- Examples of uses
- A Guide on how networking command line work
- What is the used of logging for hackers
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