Synopsis of limpy - limpy is a gripping story about men of faith who are
astonished to discover that, in the church they love, the ways of the Bible
have been almost irreparably corrupted by rebellious men. This anguishing
realization compels limpy, Mishpat and Didasko to take a path they could
not have imagined. Their answer to the plague in today's church - which
makes limpy a must-read book - is wonderfully enriched by the nobility of
their lives as the tale unfolds.
But, there is more. Truth crystallizes from deep within the pathos of their
struggle that is greater than life. There is a universal groan, an utterance by creation itself, travailing for the manifesting of the sons of God. There is an unquenchable thirsting, an insatiable hungering for the fullness of God: it is a groaning for home with Him, forever.
When you read limpy, you will know it is so. And you will be comforted.
The book is both promise and warning. In the fullness of time, God will
gather believing Jews and Gentiles to be a holy temple, a dwelling place for
God in the Spirit.