Corrupt history has intertwined itself with family problems. While attending college, Jordyn Cardell's professor documents information which explains why her dad will not acknowledge her infant son. Determined to seek her 'Father's' face, Jordyn works two part-time jobs while avoiding new friends. Even though she thinks herself plain and unattractive, she and her son have captured the attention of Al Michael.
An ATV trip to the mountain ends with a terrible accident. Jordyn's dad and brother seek their rescue. Other surprising incidents of the day and the trauma of the wreck
This gives Guy Cardell an opportunity to accept his grandson and to forgive his daughter.
Al and Jordyn grow close as their grandparents entertain and advise them. Life is full of hurdles as Al and Jo clash. He almost loses sight of the gift that our Heavenly Father has planned for him.
About the Author
Ramona Hollenbeck lives in north Idaho with her husband. Gerald's son photographed the leaves and Jerry painted the cover picture.
The author has been published by the Arizona State Poetry Society, The Valley Voice and several newspapers. She attended Gateway Community College while she baked for Scottsdale School District. Ramona took her ten year retirement and came home to be 'owned' by Pinehurst Bakery.
Ramona enjoys Scrabble, and walking the trails with grandchildren and friends. She volunteers at a thrift store which helps homeless women. She enjoys the area as they camp with their Good Sam friends.
Ramona self-published ECHOES FROM HOME, about celebrating life with her children's dad, a minister. Mel was ordained in Houston, Texas. In 1978 they purchased a church building which is the grandparents' home in the story. Although the story is fiction, this house is described in Like Fallen Leaves.
You may write to Ramona at P.O. 196, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850.