Be Light 1 is a children's picture book, teaching children how to follow Jesus,
and how all can enter the Kingdom of God.
The main character is a little girl, her name is Kayla.
The name Kayla in Hebrew means; Pure and Who is like God?
Kayla is taken to the Kingdom of Heaven,
where she met her new friend Jesus.
Be Light 1 is written for the purpose to glorify God; to let all
children find their new friend in Jesus Christ. This book has
been inspired by the words and visions from God. And led
by the Holy Spirit. I would like to give a big thanks and
glory to our God who strengthens me, and to my husband,
Dr J who breathed life into this book.
I would also like to thank my mum Pavla for her
prayer and support. And of course, thank you and bless
all that will purchase a copy of this book. I believe and
pray that you and your children will be blessed by it
also. Stay blessed always!