We all experience this feeling: How do I make a real difference in this world? How can I be inspired to play the game of life so that I am useful, so that I matter, so that I count, so that I stand for something, and above all, so that I make a difference that leaves the world a better place than when I arrived?
Indeed, all of us want to make a difference in this world whether we acknowledge it or not. Doing our best to make a difference is how we instill our lives with meaning. Helping others makes us feel good about ourselves. So how can we be inspired to do this?
Help is at hand because this delightfully insightful guide gives us inspirational reminders and profound wisdom that will help each one of us make our mark on this world. These proverbs convey universal wisdom that, once acknowledged and embraced, can help every one of us create a more fulfilling life and a better world.
This handbook will be particularly useful for those of us who have outgrown cynicism, doubt, criticism, blame, and a sense of entitlement. It will help us stop any self-sabotaging behavior that is interfering with our attaining the achievement, success, and prosperity that we would like in our lives.
The original edition of Life's Secret Handbook first appeared fictionally in Ernie Zelinski's inspirational novel Look Ma, Life's Easy. In Zelinski's novel, Sheldon, a young adult, meets Brock, a highly successful middle-aged man, who has attained extraordinary results in his life, and the story unfolds. As part of the story, Sheldon finds a mysterious book of inspirational proverbs called Life's Secret Handbook.
As the narrative in Look Ma, Life's Easy continues, the proverbs appear liberally throughout the book. Sheldon regularly searches Life's Secret Handbook for self-reflection and valuable insights. He also uses the guidebook for inspiration to better his life and the world around him.
You too can make Life's Secret Handbook an experience of self-discovery and enlightenment. Indeed, each page can be an exercise for your mind! Some of the passages are inspirational. Some are spiritual. Some are proactive.
Best of all, this real edition of Life's Secret Handbook has over three times as many life-changing passages as appeared in Look Ma, Life's Easy. It's best to read this handbook with an open mind and a relaxed soul. Apply the passages that resonate with you and set aside those that don't for another time.
Open this handbook to a new page every morning and read your inspirational lesson for the day. Alternatively pick it up and open it at random when there is something bothering you or when you feel that you have to learn something important. You may be amazed at what you find. "Simply magical," you may say. On the other hand, you may open it and get nothing, for the moment, anyway; yet later the passage will resonate with you big time. In some way, it will inspire you to take action toward making your wildest dreams come true.
Regardless of the way you choose to use this handbook, the passages will lift your spirits, help you achieve personal growth, and remind you about what it takes to experience the power of being a truly creative individual while you are making a difference in this world. By their very nature, great passages wind up on refrigerator doors, in after-dinner speeches, in newspaper articles, and in best-selling books. These gems of wisdom will too; they will likely have a life span long after most of us are gone.
In short, this handbook tells people how the universe works. It's for those who want the universe to work in their favor. You may want to refer to Life's Secret Handbook time and time again for pearls of wisdom and reminders to keep you inspired enough to make your mark on this world and get rewarded for it with satisfaction and prosperity.
No doubt you will want to share this book of remarkable and eternal wisdom with all your friends who want to make a big difference in this world just as much as you do. Warning: If you do lend this book, you may not get it back. So be careful. Life's Secret Handbook is one of those treasures that you will want to keep forever and a day.