Life's Landscapes is a collection of work written by the core members of the Belle Fourche Writers. The writing in this collection is a product of our distinct life experiences and perceptions, yet it reflects our common connections as writers, too. Each of us has a story to tell.
The title, Life's Landscapes, is an acknowledgement of the shifting regions, belongings, circumstances, and experiences that have influenced the work of our writers. As a group, the Belle Fourche Writers have many things in common, yet each of us brings something unique to the table.
Life's Landscapes is a title that reflects our diversity as well as our commonalities. The concept of a landscape may seem tangible, but not necessarily so. As a group, we represent a plethora of ever-changing landscapes.
The Belle Fourche Writers have been meeting and writing together for the past 15 years. We hope to continue our work for many more. In this anthology, each of the writers offers a unique perspective of life experiences. We are poets, storytellers, and artists. We practice fiction and non-fiction.
That a group of people with stories to share should come together for this length of time is significant. That the group has continually encouraged the talents and missions of its members is even more noteworthy.
Life's Landscapes is the product of several years of writing and editing together. It follows the first Belle Fourche Writers anthology, Roots Grow Deep and Strong, published in 2012. Life's Landscapes represents the efforts of a dedicated and talented team.