Series: In Celebration of Flowers-Tulips, Volume 1
JD Dyola's Celebration of Life Collection (TM) consists of several journal series. Each set, of four volumes, focuses on one thing that brings more joy to life. The journal interiors, in this celebratory lineup, contain ruled, numbered sheets. Fill them with your favorite quotes, pictures, etc. Additionally, the "Dedication," "Acknowledgments," and "About the Author" sections have been left for you to complete because you are the author.
These really are Books for you and by YOU!(TM)
Please visit to learn about other journal concepts by JD Dyola...TODAY!
Other Journal Concepts by J.D. Dyola:
My Cleanse Keeper (MCK) - The Black & White SeriesFour volumes of MCK with text boxes and tables for note taking.
The 4-T (for TODAY) Series:
WIL-T: What I Learned...TODAY! (Volume 1 - A Learning Journal in the 4-T "for TODAY" Series)
AWIR-T: About What I Read...TODAY! (Volume 2 - A Reading Companion Journal in the 4-T "for TODAY" Series)
WIG 4-T: What I'm Grateful for...TODAY! (Volume 3 - A Gratitude Journal in the 4-T "for TODAY" Series)
WAW 4-T: The Combo Journal-What I Learned, Read & Appreciated...TODAY! (Volume 4, A combination of Volumes 1-3)
Please visit https: // to find out how to preview a journal and to view the latest releases.
About the Author: JD Dyola is simply passionate about creating tools that emphasize the joy(s) of life. Please visit and try each of JD's journal concepts. > JOURNAL CONCEPTS BY JD Dyola: >> The 4-T (for TODAY) Series(TM): WIL-T: What I Learned...TODAY! AWIR-T: About What I Read...TODAY! WIG 4-T: What I'm Grateful for...TODAY! WAW 4-T: The Combo Journal-What I Learned, Read & Appreciated...TODAY! > The 4-H (por HOY) Journal Series(TM): > L.Q.A-H: Lo Que Aprendí...HOY!, 4-H en Español-Volume 1, is the Spanish Edition of WIL-T: What I Learned...TODAY! > L.Q.L-H: Sobre Lo Que Lei...HOY!, 4-H en Español-Volume 2, is the Spanish Edition of AWIR-T: About What I Read...TODAY! > L.Q.E.A-H: Lo Que Estoy Agradecido Por...HOY!, 4-H en Español-Volume 3, is the Spanish Edition of WIG 4-T: What I'm Grateful for...TODAY! > L.Q.A.L.A-H: El Diario Combinado Revista-Lo Que Aprendido, Leído Y Apreciado...HOY!, 4-H en Español-Volume 4, is the Spanish Edition of WAW 4-T: The Combo Journal-What I Learned, Read & Appreciated...TODAY! >> The My Cleanse Keeper (MCK) Journal Series(TM): > My Cleanse Keeper: A Journal for My Detox Experiences-Including the Master Cleanse (The Full-Color Series, Volumes 1-4) > My Cleanse Keeper: A Journal for My Detox Experiences-Including the Master Cleanse (The Black & White Series, Volumes 1-4) >> My Life, My Thoughts, My Journal: J.D. Dyola's Celebration of Life Collection(TM): > Series: In Celebration of...Family (Volumes 1-4) > Series: In Celebration of...Flowers-Lilies (Volumes 1-4) > Series: In Celebration of...Flowers-Orchids (Volumes 1-4) > Series: In Celebration of...Flowers-Orchid Encore (Volumes 1-4) > Series: In Celebration of...Flowers-Roses (Volumes 1-4) > Series: In Celebration of...Friendship (Volumes 1-4) > Series: In Celebration of...Music (Volumes 1-4) > Series: In Celebration of...Pets (Volumes 1-4) >> To learn more about JD Dyola Journals