Success doesn't happen by accident. It requires vision for the future, focus for today, intentionality in every decision and action, and commitment to excellence to create a life of success and to lead with high-impact. Through the years I've used many approaches and coached countless leaders to help stay on track and on target.
Overall, I've determined the greatest degree of success comes when three things are present:
- There is clear connection between who you are and what you do
- A consistent system is used to maintain focus and alignment in all areas of life
- The approach you use is simple, relevant and integrated to you personally and professionally
There are some good solutions available. But they seemed to fall short in one or more of these areas for me. So, with the need clearly in mind, I set out to create my own solution which checked all these boxes to establish the conditions for my success...and hopefully your success too. That's why I created the Life Leadership Success System and Guidebook.
There's just something about writing that brings my goals to life. I've tried all the digitial solutions. But, for me, and I bet for you too, the discipline of writing and creating was the missing piece. It requires a degree of disciplne which ultimately we all need in our lives.
This guidebook is designed to crystalize who you are and keep that in the front of your mind. Your "Who" is then aligned with your "What, How, and When" through Goals, Priorities, and Actions for the year, quarter, week and day. You will be guided to self-evaluate by asking yourself the Big 3 Questions as you continually improve. You will set the stage with the ideal plan to maximize the value of every moment of every day. And, ultimately, take time to celebrate the successes in all areas of life as you take one step at a time and lay the building blocks of a high-impact life.
We each have 86,400 seconds in a day. What separates those of us who have high-impact from everyone else is the choices we make in what we do with those seconds. Determine today and every day to live with intentionality...not by accident. Commit to the system and discipline yourself to use the processes outlined in the pages to follow and on my website at When you do, you will be creating a new path and setting the stage every day for success and significance, one moment at a time.
Live. Love. Lead. Leave a Legacy
Dr. Jason Brooks