Life is a Pilgrimageis an inspiring and thought provoking selection of the discourses sent by Sufi teacher Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan to his students
from 1983 to 2004. In these pages he offers spiritual guidance and insight
on world affairs, meditation and everyday life, science and faith,
psychology and addiction, freedom and creativity, mastery and service,
leadership, death and resurrection.
"Pir Vilayat's brilliant understanding and his embodiment of that lovely,
hilarious, grieving, courageous, magnificent mystery called Sufism, or the
lineage of the Sufi masters, was and is a great gift to Western
Civilization." -Coleman Barks, poet and translator of Rumi
"Pir Vilayat was an elegant writer as well as a captivating speaker. But
his genius lay in transcending boundaries - cultural, philosophical, and
religious - and 'thinking like the universe'." -Yoga Journal
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan (19 June 1916 - 17 June 2004) was the eldest son
of Sufi Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and Ora Ray Ba