When bones and a skull are found in the earth, a dedicated team of detectives try to fill in the gaps and determine what the bones mean.
Set in 2014 in South Africa, the bones appear to date from 1973 and are the work of a serial killer.
A detective team is assigned the case and is led by Chad Steyn, a 30-year-old married gay man, and his associates, known as the gappers, a 57-year-old male, a 46-year-old female, and a 22-year-old rookie, who are soon embroiled in the 41-year-old mystery. Their investigation brings up old heartaches and sadness, and reopens old wounds.
Seeking justice and punishment for the old crime, the team become a family. To solve the case, they must overcome the ongoing problems of post-apartheid South Africa, with its bribery, corruption, and lax policing.
The first book in a series featuring Chad Steyn, the novel is laced with humor and political commentary, leaving readers shocked and wanting more.
About the Author: Brynn Hardeman was born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, where British settlers disembarked in 1820, making the area rich in British history and influences. The author now lives in Pretoria, where "I manage a care mission for homeless people but write as much as possible. I have lots of ideas and make copious notes gleaned from my love of forensic shows, crime series, crime documentaries, and my avid reading of crime novels."