Do you want to lose weight, and lower blood pressure, reducing high cholesterol? Your Customers Will Never Stop to Use the Awesome Cookbook!
The main principle behind the dash diet is focusing on sodium. Dietary factors have a large influence on blood pressure (as does obesity). Specifically, a few minerals influence fluid levels and the relaxation or contraction of your blood vessels.
The dash diet was developed to treat high blood pressure using natural methods. This isn't going to work for all people, some people simply need medications because of family history/genetic reasons. However, it's going to have some impact and might prevent you from developing high blood pressure and for those who already have it may reduce their blood pressure and reduce the need for medications.
The dash diet worked for me, but I have to remind everyone that it does not provide an overnight solution to your health goals. Just like any diet regimen, it takes time for you to be able to feel any difference. So, don't fret and just give it time. Thus, this book will serve as your guide when you start taking on the dash diet. It is my vision to help others achieve their health goals through this healthy diet. After all, the power to change our health is in our hands.
When starting this eating plan there are a few things you need to consider. First of all, what you eat will depend on the limits you intend to set yourself. If you are using the dash diet for weight loss, you may want to lower the allowed daily calories. The normal DASH diet allows around 2000 calories a day, for weight loss you may not want to allow yourself this many.
Also, the dash diet tends to be quite low in sodium, however, some people try to lower it even further.
Nothing in this world comes easy. You deprive yourself of pleasure to achieve your ultimate goal. Being on a diet is no exception. Your dedication and determination will affect the result.
This book gives a comprehensive guide on the following:
- What is Dash's diet?
- Dash diet and weight loss
- Dash diet and diabetes
- Dash diet Leads to a healthier kidney
- Das diet for health
- Breakfast recipes
- Lunch recipes
- Dinner recipes
- Snack and appetizer recipes
- Dessert recipes
- Soup recipes
- Poultry recipes.......and more!!!
Buy it Now and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book!