The Liberation of John Gruneburg is a suspense novel whose theme is the timeless struggle of good over evil. This fictional narrative focuses on an exceptional Naval Officer who is devoted to duty, honor, and country.
The main character, John Gruneburg, struggles to escape from memories of his past. He becomes his own defender and prosecutor, knowing his past actions were wrong while trying to justify why he did not have the moral strength to reject the unethical orders imposed upon him. Reoccurring nightmares, tied to John's violent past and connected to his entanglement with a top-secret CIA covert operation, lead to John's treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Always loyal to the chain of command, John perseveres to complete each mission, being told that he is saving American lives. Psychologically broken, his sense of right versus wrong is overshadowed by his dedication to duty. Lifelong family friends come to his rescue by combining their energies to support John's struggle to avoid the efforts of corrupt officials to frame him for crimes that he did not commit. In the end, John finds liberation from his past through the inspiration and support of dedicated friends and colleagues.
Robert H. Laudeman is a retired federal employee with years of experience creating technical documents and reports in both industry and government. He began writing The Liberation of John Gruneburg as a leisure activity and enjoyed authoring what became his first novel and venture into fiction.
Much was learned in the creation of the first edition of The Liberation of John Gruneburg. The encouragement of family and friends made writing an enjoyable experience. There was one small problem. The completion of this first book left the majority of the original outline still unused. The whole story had not been told.
Building from his original outline, Laudeman published The Transition of John Gruneburg in 2018. The next work in the series, The Transformation of John Gruneburg, was published in 2021. Did this end John Gruneburg's struggle to conquer his fears and escape from memories of his past? Does he gain the moral strength to face the reoccurring nightmares that were the root cause of his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Will this saga continue? Only time will tell.
Looking back, the first edition of The Liberation of John Gruneburg never received the same critique and level of review that later manuscripts received. It was decided that the series would not be complete until The Liberation of John Gruneburg was edited and published by Christian Faith Publishing. Thus, the creation of the second edition of The Liberation of John Gruneburg.