The Lhasa Apso is a positively magical dog! The tale of our mystical origins begins way back in 800 BC in the sacred city of Lhasa, Tibet, known locally as "the place of the gods." Lhasa boasts holy Buddhist pilgrimage sites nestled in some of the highest mountain peaks in the world, over 3.6km above sea level.
The Lhasa Apso is a happy dog that often tends to get into trouble. Therefore, training and socialization of this breed are a must or in the future, you will not have the desired and cool dog.
So What's the Right Way to Train your Lhasa Apso?
It's called Dogmanship, the ability to communicate with your dog the way a dog naturally communicates with other dogs, in a language your puppy instinctively understands already, rather than trying to teach your dog how to speak human. This will save you time and a whole lot of frustration enabling you to rapidly establish the alpha, attain new behavior correction habits, and command adoption like the pro trainers can. ALSO:
"What Every Lhasa Apso Dog Owner Must Learn First! (Before they ..."just-start-training")
-What you need to know before you bring your puppy home.
-Puppy proofing your home
-Puppy training preparation
-Solve and avoid Separation Anxiety (both of you)
-Alpha Dog explained - how to be the Alpha.
-Clicker Training how to master and use it now
-Crate Training
-House Training
-Leash Training
-Dogmanship - How to Communicate using Dog Language
-All Commands Lhasa Apso Puppies should learn; E.g. Sit, Stay, Down, Drop it, etc.
-Behavior Correction - How to Stop Barking, Digging, Jumping, and Nipping
-Treating - How and When
-Nutrition for your Lhasa Apso Puppy
-Basic Caring and Grooming for a long happy life together
Simple, Fast, Easy to follow training for your puppy. Just open it up and read simple, clear, step-by-step training techniques and commands, and start training your Lhasa Apso Puppy in hour one. [NOW!]