REVISED EDITION, APRIL 2019 (Kindle edition only). NOW WITH MORE OUTRAGE!Letter to a Prohibitionist is a witty and withering indictment of the War on Drugs, with special emphasis placed on marijuana, which, as followers of this decades-long debacle know, is the primary target of drug-law-intoxicated prohibitionists everywhere. We have seen many fine books on this subject over the years, but no book, until now, has taken the approach used here. This book is certainly the first-and funniest-of its kind: in a light, breezy, and accessible manner, the book tells the two-track story of humanity's unquenchable desire for all types of psychoactive substances and of those who have sought to repress this fundamental human drive.
"Letter to a Prohibitionist is great. It should be required reading for everyone interested in the legalization debate." -Jeffrey Miron, Director of Undergraduate Studies; Professor of Economics, Harvard University
"Letter to a Prohibitionist is spot on-with humor and candid logic, it deftly reveals the fallacies of America's failing drug policy. From economics to ethics, Lyons examines the vast array of issues that are entwined in the legalization debate and systematically debunks dozens of prohibitionist claims. Letter to a Prohibitionist is a necessary read for anyone who thinks that sensible governance is a good idea." -Zoe Amerigian, Research Fellow, Council on Hemispheric Affairs
"Barry Lyons does an exemplary job of cutting through Drug War propaganda with passages that are deeply reasoned and informed. On top of being our favorite go-to reference on the topic, Letter to a Prohibitionist is an immensely enjoyable read: funny, clever, and a real page-turner. A must-read for those on both sides of the marijuana legalization issue." -Margot + Pepper, Pot Couture
"Letter to a Prohibitionist is terrific-and unique: it's the only book on this subject that's funny." -Anonymous
An Obladi Press Paperback Original
About the Author: Barry Lyons lives in New York City and currently works at a hedge fund in Midtown Manhattan. Letter to a Prohibitionist is his first book.