"We must teach our children of the real wonders of human variation and enjoy the wonderful ethnic variation we find among us and around the world" - Robert Sussman
We have at long last shed the illusion that we live in a post-racial society; the reality is that we live in a racist society, and we have the moral imperative to be anti-racist and to raise our children to be aware, and ready to fight the injustices of the world they will inherit.
We naturally tend to protect our children from the ugliness of our society, but they are meant to live in it and if we try to shield them from the harsh realities of prejudice and discrimination, they may fall prey of the same biases that the previous generations have promoted.
To raise an antiracist kid, you need to be informed, ready to learn with your children, and vulnerable and humble enough to recognize your own biases.
This book will help you foster an open and honest line of communication and raise kids that are above all kind, compassionate, and respectful; kids who are not only aware, tolerant, and emotionally intelligent, but also ready to stand up for what is right. You will also find an overview of African-American history and the current situation of the black community in the U.S., so that you might be better informed about the issue.
We have to teach them the value in diversity, the moral imperative of fighting against injustices, and the capacity to overcome the biases that society instills in us from an early age.
Embark on this journey to talk about complicated and charged issues such as race and privilege, systemic racism and implicit bias, white fragility and internalized racism with your children.