#SurviveTrump #ThriveAnyway
Donald Trump got elected much to the surprise and dismay of about 2/3 of the American People- but that is now history. What we need now is a plan to get through a Trump presidency. There are ways- good ways-to not only cope with this reality, but to also thrive in spite of it.
Lemonade is made from lemons. With your own creativity thrown in, as the sugar, we can crush this current reality and make something sweet and refreshing.
Dedicated to everyone who was surprised by the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election.
Like you, I was surprised and reasonably devastated by the election results of the 2016 Presidential election. I thought that the polls were right, that Hillary had it in the bag and the media only was reporting that Donald was 'close' as a ruse to keep us interested. I didn't think in a million years he'd be elected. But - I was wrong...
I think there were two major things to blame, maybe more, but two big culprits here.
One, we believed the polls. The Hillary supporters were lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe they didn't bother to go out and vote. Maybe not her 'supporters' per-se, because the people who were passionate about her becoming president surely did go out and vote, but others who would have preferred her over 'The Donald', but maybe weren't 'passionate' about it thought that it would be just fine and didn't vote.
Two, I think that the Millenials were so disenfranchised after the mistreatment of Bernie Sanders that they chose to sit this one out. Again, all the Millenials I know voted, but if you look at the map of who they said they were going to vote for and consider the numbers they should have had in this election, Hillary should have won by a landslide. But the next generation of voters are a different breed. Once you piss them off or lose their trust, you don't get them back, not easily anyway. So I think they sat this one out because they were disillusioned by what happened just before the Democratic National convention and the controversy over how Bernie was treated.
Those are just my theories. I know there are a million more, like the way news is reported through the political points of view. When I grew up, I didn't know or care what Walter Cronkite's political point of view was. We just trusted him to report the news without putting a spin on it. Maybe I was naive, but that is how I remember it. Nowadays, I instantly know the political view points of almost anyone I listen to because the ideologies are so polarized.
Just to get this out of the way, I'm remaining anonymous in this book because of the other book I wrote about family dynamics and because I want to practice what I'm going to expound upon in this book and not be distracted by any type of personal attention this book might attract. I'm also not registered with either party. I'm an independent because I want to think for myself and not be labeled by some ideology that I may or may not agree with due to the ever-changing political landscape.
It feels to me a bit like the altered future from "Back to the Future" where Biff got the sports results and got really rich and powerful. I am hoping that "Doc" aka Bernie, finds a way to fix everything and we wake up back on the original timeline with President Sanders about to take office. But alas... right now... we are on this timeline!
I would also like to say that this book is intended for those people who did not vote for Trump, those shocked by the election result and those afraid of what it might mean for this country.
If you voted for Trump, his win is not an endorsement of any bigoted position you may hold. There is no room for bigotry in this country. Our country was founded on and made strong because people came here from all over the map.
I hope this helps!