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Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby

Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby



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About the Book

The Legends in Consumer Behavior series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of consumer behavior over the past several decades. It reproduces the seminal works of the legends in the field, which are supplemented by interviews of these legends as well as by the opinions of other scholars about their work.

The series comprises various sets, each focusing on the multiple ways in which a legend has contributed to the field. This third set in the series, consisting of eight volumes, is a tribute to Jacob Jacoby, one of the most prolific contemporary consumer behavior and marketing scholars.

Jacob (Jack) Jacoby has been the Merchants Council Professor of Consumer Behavior and Retail Management at the Stern School of Business, New York University, since 1981. Prior to that, he received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Michigan State University in 1966. After serving as a Lieutenant in the US Air Force (1965-1968), he directed the Consumer Psychology program within the Department of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University (1968-1981). He is Past President of the Association for Consumer Research (1975) and the Society of Consumer Psychology (1973-1974), and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the Association for Consumer Research, the Society for Social Psychology, the Society for Consumer Psychology, and the Society for Psychology and Law.

Jacoby's scholarly output includes more than 165 chapters and articles, 10 books and monographs, and hundreds of talks at professional conferences, universities, and before industry audiences. He served on a number of editorial boards, including the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, Computers in Human Behavior, and the Trademark Reporter.

The series is edited by Jagdish N. Sheth, who is the Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University, USA. He is Past President of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), as well as Division 23 (Consumer Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. He is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA). Professor Sheth is the coauthor of the Howard-Sheth Theory of Buyer Behavior, a classic in consumer behavior published in 1969.

This set includes:

Volume 1: Helping Define the Field and Expand Its Horizons

Editor: Jerry C. Olson

Volume 2: The Early Years: Attitudes, Brand Loyalty, and Perceived Risk
Editor: Leon B. Kaplan

Volume 3: The Early Years: Information Overload and Quality Perception
Editor: George J. Szybillo

Volume 4: The Fourth P: Advertising and Personal Selling
Editor: Wayne D. Hoyer

Volume 5: Pre-Decision Information Accessing and Behavioral Process Technology (BPT)
Editor: James J. Jaccard

Volume 6: Legal Considerations Applying toConsumer Decision Making and Purchase Behavior - Part 1
Editor: Maureen Morrin

Volume 7: Legal Considerations Applying to Consumer Decision Making and Purchase Behavior - Part 2
Editor: Gita V. Johar

Volume 8: Methods and Measures: Selected Papers
Editor: Alfred Kuss

Table of Contents:
VOLUME 1: HELPING DEFINE THE FIELD AND EXPAND ITS HORIZONS Appendix of Sources Legends in Consumer Behavior Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby Volume Introduction: Helping Define The Field And Expand Its Horizons Jerry C. Olson Commentary on the Contents of this Volume I: BROAD WORKS THAT HELPED DEFINE, FOCUS AND EXPAND THE FIELD- PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESSES, ANNUAL REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTERS, HANDBOOK AND ENCYCLOPEDIA CHAPTERS Consumer Psychology as a Social Psychological Sphere of Action Consumer Research: Telling it like it is Consumer Research: A State of the Art Review Consumer Psychology: An Octennium Consumer Behavior: A Quadrennium Gita V. Johar and Maureen Morrin Consumer and industrial psychology: Prospects for theory corroboration and mutual contribution. Consumer Psychology Wayne Hoyer and Arthur Brief Consumer Psychology Maureen Morrin Consumer Psychology Wayne D. Hoyer II: MORE FOCUSED WORKS THAT HELPED DEFINE AND EXPAND THE FIELD Time and Consumer Behavior: An interdisciplinary overview George J. Szybillo and C.A.K. Berning What about disposition? C.A.K. Berning and T.F. Dietvorst Personality and consumer behavior: How NOT to find relationships. History and objectives underlying the formation of ACR's Professional Affairs Committee. Ethical issues in consumer research: Remarks of Jacob Jacoby Ethics, morality and the dark side of ACR: Implications for our future Ethics: A Portrait of the Consumer Research Community Stimulus-Organism-Response Reconsidered: An evolutionary step in modeling (consumer) behavior Perspectives of Other Scholars Jack Jacoby’s Emotional Side Gerald Zaltman Jack Jacoby – Friend & Scholar Rick Jacobs Some Thoughts about Jack Jacoby Glenn L. Christensen Jerry Olson interviews Jacob Jacoby Interview of Jacob Jacoby Jerry C. Olson VOLUME 2: THE EARLY YEARS ATTITUDES, BRAND LOYALTY AND PERCEIVED RISK Appendix of Sources Legends in Consumer Behavior Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby Volume Introduction: The Early Years— Attitudes, Brand Loyalty And Perceived Risk Leon B. Kaplan Commentary on the Contents of this Volume Training Consumer Researchers Training consumer psychologists: The Purdue University program. The Roles, Values and Training of a Consultant a. Serving Two Masters: Perspectives on Consulting b. The Vices and Virtues of Consulting: Responding to a Fairy Tale Attitudes and Consumer Behavior Exploring the Potential of Negative Sources: An Application of Heider’s Balance Model Dissonance resolution by grade school consumers David B. Kyner and Robert W. Chestnut Linking brand and retailer images: Do the potential risk outweigh the potential benefits? David Mazursky Brand Loyalty A model of multi-brand loyalty A construct validation study of brand loyalty. Jerry C. Olson Brand loyalty: A conceptual definition. Brand loyalty vs. Repeat Purchasing Behavior. David B. Kyner A brand loyalty concept: Comments on a comment. Brand Loyalty: Measurement and Management Robert W. Chestnut I Trends in brand loyalty measurement: A historical perspective Robert W. Chestnut II A comprehensive review of operational definitions of brand loyalty Robert W. Chestnut III A manager’s guide to conceptual definitions, theory and construct validation Robert W. Chestnut Perceived Risk The components of perceived risk Leon B. Kaplan Components of perceived risk in product purchase: A cross-validation Leon B. Kaplan and George J. Szybillo Risk enhancement and risk reduction strategies for handling perceived risk Barbara J. Deering Some perspectives on risk acceptance Perspectives of Other Scholars Our Debate on Consulting: A Retrospective Morris Holbrook Ode of Concession, Contrition, and Conciliation Morris Holbrook Jack Jacoby: Mentor Meera Buck A Doctoral Student’s Recollections Steven Hollander Leon B. Kaplan interviews Jacob Jacoby Interview of Jacob Jacoby Leon B. Kaplan VOLUME 3: THE EARLY YEARS: INFORMATION OVERLOAD AND QUALITY PERCEPTION Appendix of Sources Legends in Consumer Behavior Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby Volume Introduction: The Early Years: Information Overload And Quality Perception George J. Szybillo Commentary on the Contents of this Volume I: QUALITY PERCEPTION Price, brand name, and product composition characteristics as determinants of perceived quality J.C. Olson, R.A. Haddock Price intervals and individual price limits as determinants of product evaluation and selection B.J. Deering Cue utilization in the quality perception process J.C. Olson The relative effects of price, store image, and intrinsic product differences on product quality evaluation G.J. Szybillo Intrinsic versus Extrinsic cues as determinants of perceived product quality G.J. Szybillo Consumer response to price: An attitudinal, information-processing perspective. J.C. Olson The impact of linking brand and retailer images on perceptions of quality. D. Mazursky II: INFORMATION OVERLOAD Time spent acquiring product information as a function of information load and organization. C.A. Kohn and D.E. Speller Brand choice behavior as a function of information load D.E. Speller and C.A. Kohn Consumer reaction to information displays: Packaging and advertising. Brand choice behavior as a function of information load: Replication and extension D.E. Speller and C.A.K. Berning Constructive criticism and programmatic research: Reply to Russo. D.E. Speller and C.A.K. Berning Information load and decision quality: Some contested issues Perspectives on information overload III: ASSORTED OTHER ITEMS FROM THE ERA Interpersonal perceptual accuracy as a function of dogmatism Personality and Innovation Proneness Multiple-Indicant Approach for Studying New Product Adopters Novelty, Recency, and Scarcity as Predictors of Perceived Newness E.W. Hart Jr. Opinion leadership and innovativeness: Overlap and validity. The effect of "alternative relationships" and "relative resources" on consumer decisions between mother and child. B.J. Deering Ruminations of a consumer psychologist on the emerging energy crisis. The sources, meaning and validity of consumer complaint behavior: A psychological analysis. J.J. Jaccard Behavioral science perspectives on conveying nutrition information to consumers. J.C. Olson, G.J. Szybillo and E.W. Hart Jr. Managing consumer reaction to the emerging financial services revolution. Perspectives of Other Scholars Jack Jacoby: A Man for All Seasons Durairaj Maheswaran A Consumer Psychologist before Consumer Psychology was Sexy Curtis Haugtvedt An Undergraduate’s Perspective Jeff Galak George J. Szybillo Interviews Jacob Jacoby Interview of Jacob Jacoby George J. Szybillo VOLUME 4: THE FOURTH P: ADVERTISING AND PERSONAL SELLING Appendix of Sources Legends in Consumer Behavior Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby Volume Introduction: The Fourth P- Advertising And Personal Selling, Wayne D. Hoyer Commentary on the Contents of this Volume I: ADVERTISING EFFECTS Th e Zeigarnik Effect in Advertising James T. Heimbach Recall of crazy, mixed-up TV commercials. SW Hollander Effects of different levels of integration on advertising preference and intention to purchase. GJ Szybillo Effects of integrated advertising on perceived corporate hiring policy. GJ Szybillo and J. Busato II: THE COMPREHENSION-MISCOMPREHENSION OF ADVERTISING AND OTHER MASS MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS Viewer Miscomprehension of Televised Communication: A Brief Report of Findings. WD Hoyer and DA Sheluga Viewer miscomprehension of televised communication: Selected findings. WD Hoyer On the miscomprehension of televised communication: A rejoinder. WD Hoyer To read, view or listen? A cross-media comparison of comprehension. WD Hoyer and MR Zimmer Sources of miscomprehension in television advertising. WD Hoyer and RK Srivastava Miscomprehension of Public Affairs Programming WD Hoyer Viewer miscomprehension of the 1980 Presidential Debate: A Research Note T. Troutman and T. Whittler The Comprehension and Miscomprehension of Print Communications: Conceptual foundations Wayne D. Hoyer The Comprehension/Miscomprehension of Print Communications: Methodology Wayne D. Hoyer The Comprehension/Miscomprehension of Print Communication: Selected Findings Wayne D. Hoyer III. MISLEADING, DECEPTIVE, REMEDIAL AND CORRECTIVE ADVERTISING The FDA approach to defining misleading advertising CB Small Reply to a Comment on “Defi ning Misleading Advertising” and “Deception in Advertising” Correcting corrective advertising. M.C. Nelson and W.D. Hoyer Reply to Mizerski's criticisms to ‘4As Pioneering Study of TV Miscomprehension’. M.C. Nelson and W.D. Hoyer Corrective advertising and affirmative disclosure statements: Their potential for confusing and misleading the consumer M.C. Nelson and W.D. Hoyer A Model for the Development, Evaluation, and Implementation of Remedial Advertising Statements W.D. Hoyer and M.C. Nelson Misleading research on the subject of misleading advertising: The Wilkes et al. investigation of Pharmaceutical Advertising in Leading Medical Journals Consumer Research in FTC versus Kraft (1991): A case of Heads we win, Tails you lose? GJ Szybillo IV: PERSONAL SELLING You're twenty years behind your market. F. Jacoby The psychology of persuasion. F. Jacoby The application of assertiveness training to the consumer-salesperson interaction RJ Kulich, JP Curran, and MJ Mariotto Some social psychological perspectives on closing. Perspectives of Other Scholars “Always Fly First Class” and Other Lessons Jack Taught Me Michael R. Solomon Jack Jacoby: Intrepid, Inspiring, Influential David Glen Mick Wayne D. Hoyer Interviews Jacob Jacoby Interview of Jacob Jacoby Wayne D. Hoyer VOLUME 5: PRE-DECISION INFORMATION ACCESSING AND BEHAVIORAL PROCESS TECHNOLOGY (BPT) Appendix of Sources Legends in Consumer Behavior Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby Volume Introduction: Pre-Decision Information Accessing And Behavioral Process Technology James J. Jaccard Behavioral Process Technology (BPT): Origins And Evolution Information acquisition behavior in brand choice situations. G.J. Szybillo and J. Busato-Schach Perspectives on a consumer information processing research program Pre-purchase information acquisition: Description of a process methodology, research paradigm, and pilot investigation RW Chestnut, KC Weigl and W. Fisher Consumer use and comprehension of nutrition information. RW Chestnut and W. Silberman A behavioral process approach to information acquisition in nondurable purchasing. RW Chestnut and W. Fisher The emerging behavioral process technology in consumer decision-making research. Patterns of information acquisition in new product purchases. C.A.K. Berning Consumer information processing: Emerging theory and findings. RW Chestnut Behavioral Process Research: Applications to Business and Public Policy RW Chestnut Patterns of processing in consumer information acquisition JR Bettman New directions in behavioral process research: Implications for social psychology J.J. Jaccard, A. Kuss, T. Troutman, and D. Mazursky Psychometric characteristics of behavioral process data: Preliminary findings on validity and reliability RW Chestnut, WD Hoyer, DA Sheluga, and MJ Donahue Intra- and Inter-individual consistency in information acquisition: A cross-cultural examination WD Hoyer, H. Raffee, M. Hefner, RW and Chestnut The impact of interpersonal attraction on salesperson effectiveness RW Chestnut Three-dimensional information acquisition: An application to contraceptive decision making WD Hoyer The selection of a contraceptive method as a joint decision of married couples. MR Zimmer Preference, search and choice: An integrative approach. DA Sheluga and JJ Jaccard Do comparative claims encourage comparison shopping? The impact of comparative claims on consumers' acquisition of product information. DA Sheluga Product comprehension: The case of permanent vs. term life insurance. RW Chestnut Encoding and retention in an information acquisition and choice task. WD Hoyer and JJ Jaccard Forming impressions of merchandise and service quality D. Mazursky Exploring the development of store image D. Mazursky Tracing the impact of item-by-item information accessing on uncertainty reduction JJ Jaccard, I. Currim, A. Kuss, A. Ansari and T. Troutman A varying parameter averaging model of on-line brand evaluations G. Johar and K. Jedidi Mapping attitude formation as a function of information input: Online processing models of attitude formation M. Morrin, J. Jaccard, Z. Gurhan, A. Kuss. And D. Maheswaran Effectiveness of security analyst information accessing strategies; A computer interactive assessment A. Kuss, D. Mazursky, and T. Troutman When feedback is ignored: The disutility of outcome feedback D. Mazursky, T. Troutman and A. Kuss Experience and expertise in complex decision making T. Troutman, A. Kuss, and D. Mazursky Taking stock of stockbrokers: Exploring momentum versus contrarian investor strategies and profiles. M. Morrin, G. Johar, X. He, A. Kuss, and D. Mazursky Training novice investors to become more expert: The role of information accessing strategy. M. Morrin, G. Johar, Z. Gürhan, A. Kuss, and M. Mazursky Perspectives of Other Scholars The Impact of Jacob Jacoby’s Work on Research on the Conceptual, Methodological, and Substantive Components of Consumer Information Processing David Brinberg The Information Display Board: A Foundational Innovation in Consumer Information Processing Paul M. Herr James J. Jaccard Interviews Jacob Jacoby Interview of Jacob Jacoby James J. Jaccard VOLUME 6: LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS APPLYING TO CONSUMER DECISION MAKING AND PURCHASE BEHAVIOR PART 1VOLUME 6: LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS APPLYING TO CONSUMER DECISION MAKING AND PURCHASE BEHAVIOR PART 1 Appendix of Sources Legends in Consumer Behavior Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby Volume Introduction: Legal Factors Applying To Consumer Decision Making and Purchase Behavior: Part 1, Maureen (Mimi) Morrin Commentary on the Contents of this Volume Beyond brand equity: Marketing warfare in the ‘90s. Survey and field experimental evidence. Disclaimers in trademark infringement litigation: More trouble than they are worth? R.L. Raskopf Why disclaimers fail. G.J. Szybillo “Not manufactured or authorized by...” Recent federal cases involving trademark disclaimers M. Morrin Non-probability designs for litigation surveys A.H. Handlin Trademark dilution: Empirical measures for an elusive concept. M. Morrin Considering the who, what, when, where and how of measuring dilution. Survey evidence in deceptive advertising cases under the Lanham Act: An historical review of comments from the bench A.H. Handlin and A. Simonson Is it Rational to Assume Consumer Rationality? Some consumer psychological perspectives on Rational Choice Theory Perspectives of Other Scholars Jack Jacoby’s Contributions to Survey Science and the Evolution of Trademark Law Jerre B. Swann Venturing into New Areas, by Aradhna Krishna Jack Jacoby – Master Teacher, Glenn Christensen Maureen Morrin Interviews Jacob Jacoby Interview of Jacob Jacoby Maureen Morri VOLUME 7: LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS APPLYING TO CONSUMER DECISION MAKING AND PURCHASE BEHAVIOR PART 2 Appendix of Sources Legends in Consumer Behavior Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby Volume Introduction: Legal Factors Applying To Consumer Decision Making And Purchase Behavior: Part 2, Gita V. Johar Commentary on the Contents of this Volume The psychological foundations of trademark law: Secondary meaning, genericism, fame, confusion and dilution A critique of Rappeport’s “Litigation Surveys – Social ‘Science’ as Evidence.” Sense and nonsense in measuring sponsorship confusion. Continuing Commercial Impression: Applications and Measurement G. Mark Keyword-Based Advertising: Filling in Factual Voids (GEICO v. Google). M. Sableman Are closed-ended questions leading questions? Patent Infringement: Proving customer demand .. or a lack thereof. When judicial opinions are minefields of misinformation: Antecedents, consequences and remedies. Perspectives of Other Scholars Jack Jacoby, “Leading the Way” C. Samuel Craig A Tribute to Professor Jack Jacoby Naresh Malhotra Gita V. Johar interviews Jacob Jacoby Interview of Jacob Jacoby Gita V. Johar VOLUME 8: METHODS AND MEASURES: SELECTED PAPERS Appendix of Sources Legends in Consumer Behavior Jagdish N. Sheth Legends in Consumer Behavior: Jacob Jacoby Jagdish N. Sheth Volume Introduction: Methods And Measures: Selected Papers, Alfred Kuss Commentary on the Contents of this Volume Experimentation Experimental design and the selection of controls in trademark and deceptive advertising surveys. Laboratory experiments: Faulty and necessary—A Comment on Arndt’s Paper in JCP, 1, 1977/1 Validity What If Opinion Leaders Didn’t Know More? A Question of Nomological Validity Wayne D. Hoyer Reliability Improving manuscript evaluation procedures. D.D. Bowen, and R. Perloff A note on the reliability of content analysis. M.R. Zimmer and W.D. Hoyer Examiner reliability in polygraph chart analysis: Identification of physiological responses. Edel, E.C. Scaling Three-point Likert scales are good enough. M.S. Matell Is there an optimal number of alternatives for Likert scale items? Study I: Reliability and validity. M.S. Matell Is there an optimal number of alternatives for Likert scale items? Effects of testing time and scale properties. M.S. Matell Instructions and Formats for collecting rank order data: An Empirical Examination D.A. Sheluga and B.N. Major Whether to agree-disagree or disagree-agree: The effects of anchor order on item response. D.A. Sheluga and B.N. Major Questionnaire Research on Questionnaire Construction: Th e Type and Positioning of Response Blanks Brenda N. Major and David A. Sheluga Measurement Multiple-indicant approach for studying new product adopters. Operationally defining the consumer innovator. C.A. Kohn Probing the locus of causation in the miscomprehension of remedial advertising statements. M. Nelson, W. D. Hoyer, and H.G. Gueutal Political polling and the lost letter technique. D. Aranoff How to interpret your scores on the Managerial Philosophies scale. James R. Terborg Perspectives of Other Scholars The Jack Experience David Mazursky Using a Dynamic Approach in Consumer Research Günter Silberer, Susanne Roth and Gunnar Mau The Information Display Board: A Milestone in Process Tracing Torsten Tomczak and Wibke Heidig Alfred Kuss interviews Jacob Jacoby Interview of Jacob Jacoby Alfred Kuss

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9789351501244
  • Publisher: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd
  • Publisher Imprint: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd
  • Height: 318 mm
  • No of Pages: 3024
  • Series Title: Legends in Consumer Behavior
  • Weight: 8494 gr
  • ISBN-10: 9351501248
  • Publisher Date: 14 Nov 2015
  • Binding: Mixed media product
  • Language: English
  • Returnable: Y
  • Spine Width: 287 mm
  • Width: 251 mm

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