A story, a fable or a legend, this tale begins as an elderly Libyan storyteller entertains local kids and tourists in Tripoli. He tells of three American soldiers, who are strangers to one another. Fleeing from their enemy in the jungles of Vietnam, they take shelter in a large cave. A massive earthquake strikes, rendering the men unconscious. Their modern weapons are made useless.
The men awaken to make their way through the dark caverns, only to find themselves in 12th century Libya, and in the Land of Silene.
Arabian Knights of old take the three men as captives and into a medieval castle's filthy dungeon they go. But soon they are rescued by a rather odd Catholic Monk, who is actually a Naval Officer from 1942.
The three men quickly demonstrate their talents and skills, and with the monk standing up for them, they are able to join up with the Army of Silene. Through a series of strange events, G.W., the chosen leader for the three soldiers, becomes intrigued with the King's third daughter, a beautiful princess. However, the oldest princess, a crippled witch, who is quite knowledgeable in the dark arts, is out to destroy G.W. and his two friends.
The men learn of the curse that enslaves the people of Silene. There is a mighty, 50-foot tall dragon that renders death and destruction unless it is sacrificed to every two weeks. The beast lives in a large lagoon, cut off from the sea, and it has slain all the heroes brought against it. But, the three men from the 20th century recognize this dragon to be a huge Plesiosaurus, a massive sea dinosaur. The monk believes it and its ancestors had apparently become landlocked by a monstrous earthquake.
Now, as his princess is set up for sacrifice by her older sister, G.W. enters in the battle to rescue his love and becomes the Legend of Silene, recognized the world over.