Part. I. Introduction
Part II. Context
Chapter 1. The sporting mega-events inside the neoliberal experiment of urban development (L. C. Queiroz and O. Santos Jr.)
Chapter 2. Rio de Janeiro economic crisis and austerity reponses (Bruno L.)
Chapter 3. From the dream of "new middle class" to the new urban poverty (M. Ribeiro)
Chapter 4. The political crisis: urban entrepreneurship without a leader class (N. Rojas)
Part III. Facts and reasons of the failures
Chapter 5. Decomposition of the public security system (R. Kant)
Chapter 6. De-gentrification, urban sprawl and social racism (P. Novaes and L. Lacerda)
Chapter 7. Decomposition of the urban mobility system (J. Rodrigues)
Chapter 8. From the promise of integration to the legacy of exclusion: Policies for favelas in Rio de Janeiro (2007 - 2017) (A. Cardoso)
Chapter 9. Porto Maravilha: The defeat of the real estate-financial model (M. Werneck and R. Martins)
Chapter 10. Porto Maravilha: Decomposition of the coalition and repositioning of public agents (H. Meza)
Part IV. Reconstruction of city project. Resistance and new ways
Chapter 11. The experience of tenement houses as forms of resistance in Downtown (B. Ribeiro)
Chapter 12. Experiments of counter-hegemonic coalitions (L. Lago and A. L. Britto)
Chapter 13. cultural policies in dispute; spaces of possibilities in front of Porto Maravilha (M. Albinatti)
Austerity Urbanism or Urbanism for the right to the city. (L. C. Queiroz Ribeiro)