About the Book
Mtg learning Science for Smarter Life text books are designed in accordance with the latest guidelines laid down by National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005 and CBSEs continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). each br>Chapter in the book with learning objective followed by a warm-up activity. The text is simple and lucid, interspread with on-text questions and interesting information related to the topic. The br>Chapter ends with definitions of key terms, a quick revision summary of the concept, followed with formative and summative assessment which includes both objective and subjective type of questions. The Teachers note gives tips and suggestions for effective classroom teaching. The book provides worksheets and questions from National Science Olympiad (NSO), giving extra leverage to learning. It helps in strengthening scientific skills in learners and helps in conceptual clarity, making them grow smarter and smarter. Content:- br>Unit-1 the living World 1. Living and non-living Things exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, unscramble, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, group activities, life skills 2. Animals and plants exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, unscramble, odd ones, fill ups, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, group activities, life skills 3. Eating habits of animals exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, word search, fill ups, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, life skills 4. Parts of a Plant exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, true or false, identify, give reason, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, group activities, life skills 5. Birds exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, match the columns, word search, identify, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, life skills br>Unit-2 human body and their needs 6. Our body exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, word search, fill ups, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, life skills 7. Safety first exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, word search, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, life skills br>Unit-3 our environment 8. Soil exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, Fill ups, give reasons, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, group activities, life skills 9. Water and weather exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, Fill ups, match the columns, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, life skills br>Unit-4 natural phenomena 10. Light, sound and force exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, give examples, identify, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, group Discussion, life skills 11. Measurement exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, identify, true or false, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, group activities, life skills br>unit-5 the universe 12. Earth, moon and sun exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, Fill ups, unscramble, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, life skills 13. Going into space exercises for FA & SA - MCQs, Fill ups, match the columns, Q & a assignments for FA - HOTS, activities, group activities, life skills worksheets for Summative assessment br>Worksheet 1 br>Worksheet 2 br>Worksheet 3 br>Worksheet 4 NSO questions for practice.