Would you like to learn Spanish? Do you Want to acquire more Spanish speaking skills? Would you like to have a course that gives you the basis to build your language in a simple and fun way?If yes, this is the right book for you, just keep reading....
If you have a desire to learn Spanish, without having the time to attend a course, this Volume can help you learn Spanish in your free time, while traveling or simply setting a study time, directly at your home or anywhere else you are.
The study of Spanish - one of the most spoken languages in the world - is not only a beautiful language, full of history and pleasant to speak, but is useful in work, public relations, leisure trips or everyday life with colleagues and friends.
What is the best way to learn a language? Well, living in the foreign country of the language you want to speak to - America is a great example of this, with thousands of foreign nationals now naturalized arriving from Spain or from the many neighbor's countries in Latin America, from Italy, Germany and many others, who have learned the language without studying it.
While text-books give you grammar rules and lists of vocabulary to learn, Stories show you "real Spanish"; they do not try to teach you but to practice the language.
Have you ever observed that one of the biggest barriers of learning a language is the shame of talking to others, thinking you don't know it or perhaps just laziness....so apply what you learn and clarify words and rules, and your mood and confidence with that language will be a pleasant adventure of success.
The book, Learn Spanish For Beginners - Short Stories is designed to help you with extensive reading. As you read and enjoy the stories, you will gradually improve your understanding of how Spanish works. If you often study with textbooks, this book will be a breath of fresh air! It is written with self-learner in mind and organized to help readers understand and speak the language in a short period of time as possible. With good basics of the Spanish language, given in this Volume, accompanied by the use in everyday life of what you have learned, you will find yourself acquiring Spanish quickly and satisfactorily.
How Spanish Short Stories for Beginners works: