Have you ever experienced any difficulties in your abilities of mentoring, leading and directing individuals?
Have you ever felt that you just didn't have the assertiveness that is required of someone to nudge people towards greatness?
Your predicament is NOT unique! There are other people who struggle with the very same issues and more often than not, these issues are born out of bad habits, caused by the WRONG mindset and followed by self-sabotaging behaviors at work that only lead to more stress and strain in the way you manage people.
Forging an effective team is an ART and a SCIENCE and let the author take you on the journey on the SPECIFIC action steps that are required to forging a great team, empowering your staff members and nurturing the leader that already lies dormant in YOU.
In this book you will learn:
- the habits of highly effective leaders
- cultivating the mindset of a leader
- REAL LIFE examples of leadership that thrives
- PERSONAL EXPERIENCES of the author that have shaped him as an effective leader and entrepreneur
- why COMMUNICATION is very important and has a bearing on high performance
- the importance of being an EVALUATIVE leader and how this has repercussions on your organization
- how you can sustain LONG TERM stamina that builds on your momentum and thus increases your chances of success in the corporate world
If that isn't enough, there is a 21-Day Action Plan that is the heart of this book. This action plan will allow you to forge an effective team and will teach you the little nuances of group dynamics to help you nudge your team towards greatness and meeting ALL YOUR QUOTAS AND BOTTOMLINES.
These are the things that constitute EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP and TEAM BUILDING. These aren't hypothetical concepts that can't be applied when it's time for you to supervise and manage a team, these are REAL solutions towards building unity in an organization.
Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" to start improving your leadership skill!
About the Author: Dominic Wolff is an author, business owner and traveller (or as he likes to call it, a globe trotter). A native from Idaho, Dominic became interested in the mechanics of business from a very young age. From those early days of selling candy bars to running a multi-state company today, Dominic has always been on the lookout for systems that would improve his productivity and allow him more free time to enjoy his hobbies. He frequently writes articles about personal productivity for business publications.
He believes that having a structure in place for work and life can mean the difference between being in control and merely coping.
An avid collector of fine red wines, he also owns a small wine boutique stocking only the finest of Washington, Oregon and Idaho wines. During his travels to far and wonderful places he also searches for the absolute best Zinfandel that can rival those of California. He lives in Wyoming with his wife Sarah, two German Shepherds and a tiny vineyard of his own.