If you have always wanted to Learn French but have no time, keep reading!
French is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring!
Learn French For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 1500 common French vocabulary words, that will help you in everyday life! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided!
The book is broken up into the following categories!
Times - Temps
Months - Mois
Days of the Week-Jours de la semaine
Animals - Animales
Clothes- Vêtements
Family Relationships - Relations de famille
Household Items - Articles Ménagers
At the restaurant-Au Restaurant
The Human Body- Corps Humain
The Beach-La Plage
Shapes- Formes
Transportation - Transport
Sports - des sports
Countries- Pays
Tools - Outils
The Car - la voiture
In The City - dans la ville
Business - Affaires
Geography - Géographie
Describing People - Décrire les gens
Religion - Religion
Outdoors - En plein air
Adverbs - Adverbes
Adjectives - Adjectifs
Accessories - Accessoires
Directions and Comparisons - Directions et Comparaisons
Entertainment - Divertissement
Holidays and Celebrations - Célébrations
US Cities - Villes Américaines
European Cities - Villes Européennes
Parts of the world - Parties du monde
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