About the Book
Do you feel like you often experience anxiety? Does your heart suddenly start to beat faster? Do you sometimes get dizzy? Then chances are, you are experiencing an anxiety attack.Anxiety is one of the most discussed disorders. Sometimes you hear about someone having anxiety or an anxiety disorder, but you might have a hard time imagining it. If you have not had it yourself, it is hard to imagine what anxiety means to someone with an anxiety disorder. Often, people with anxiety themselves know that their anxiety is out-of-place, but they don't know how to deal with their anxiety.Everyone gets nervous or anxious from time to time when speaking in public, for instance, or when going through financial difficulty. For some people, however, anxiety becomes so frequent, or so forceful, that it begins to take over their lives.How can you tell if your everyday anxiety has crossed the line into a disorder? It's not easy. Anxiety comes in many different forms such as panic attacks, phobia, and social anxiety, and the distinction between an official diagnosis, and "normal" anxiety isn't always clear.Anxiety is a common experience for all people. Some handles it smoothly while others could be immersed into it, knowing that they are heading for a long, dark alley with no point of return.There are approximately 40 million Americans who have various types of anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder may manifest in such a way that the person feeling it could have sensations of free-floating anxiousness without knowing the reasons that have triggered it. It may also appear like an intense and sudden attack of numbing or painful anxiety. Also, it may manifest as a social inhibition or irrational compulsions to be obsessed on certain rituals. Or, it may manifest as an illogical fear of something which seems not to bother other people at all.Anxiety is a mental, emotional, and physical condition. Anyone that has anxiety or know someone that has struggled with anxiety can identify anxiety by some of its most common symptoms, such as, nervousness, sweating, fear, rapid heartbeat, and a few others. But these are not the only symptoms of anxiety. They are nowhere close. The list of symptoms associated with anxiety can surprise even doctors, and is singlehandedly responsible for millions of dollars in wasted medical tests.Anxiety is occasionally called "The Great Imitator," due to its ability to mimic other health conditions. For those that live with chronic anxiety, the number of symptoms it can cause is extensive, from the usual to the unusual, to the rare. Anxiety changes the way you think as well.Anxiety alters your hormone levels, and how you process nutrients. Anxiety changes your perception and awareness, so that you notice physical sensations that someone without anxiety would never notice. Anxiety can even amplify physical sensations. For example, someone without anxiety may have a knee pain so mild that they don't even notice it, but a person with anxiety feels that knee pain severely, because their mind has been altered to be hypersensitive to the way the body feels.Meanwhile, anxiety disorders are often accompanied by anxiety or panic attacks. These are usually characterized by shortness of breath, chest discomfort, extreme trembling or shaking, nausea and/or dizziness, fear of going crazy, hot and cold flashes or sensations of looming death or doom.The usual psychological and emotional symptoms of anxiety disorder, however, include dread or apprehension, behavioral problems which are usually observed among adolescents and children, hyper vigilance, confusion, irritability, avoidance, insecurity, extreme self-consciousness, and intense desire to escape.On the other hand, physical symptoms, apart from what we have earlier mentioned include heart palpitations, sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, fatigue, queasiness, diarrhea, frequent urination, muscle aches or tension.
About the Author: Patricia Carlisle- A Master Social Worker and a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT) gives out an expression of how important it is for an individual to take into consideration the concept of self-assessment to know what human, technical and conceptual skills they posses to perform or to achieve what they desire, or to deal with everyday life. However, every particular group of people has their own unique set of ideas, traditions and events including the frame of mind according to which people perform but there are many who faces problems and fail to maintain a healthy mind set affecting their behaviors and performance to those around them. People like Patricia Carlisle are among those who have felt this urge of serving people and helping them out of their mental crisis towards a healthy life. She has experienced some close encounters in her personal life regarding mental health issues in her family and friends that has encouraged her to pursue this as her career. Currently Patricia Carlisle is serving as a Certified On-Line Cognitive Behavioral Therapist with an extensive 15years of experience using Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Techniques. She envisions a world where everyone gets mental health treatment with no mental health stigma and to make it real she has already set up her own Holistic Measure Online Comprehensive Behavioral Healthcare Company after retiring from The Nord Center in The Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Dept for 5 years and Murtis H. Taylor Mental Health Center as a mental health counselor, psychological support technician and case manager for 10 years to emulsify her skills more professionally. Along with this, she has wrote down her passion as a clinician in 25 or more short books to help individuals and families get their life back, freeing them of the restraints of negative thinking, anxiety and depression by using different approaches. She is highly appreciated among her clients for her flexibility and professionalism of dealing with them graciously. To reach her, make use of her direct website address: http: //therapist2013.wix.com/e-therapy . As she is ready to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best online health care through comprehensive practice, education and research.