You Have To Give Yourself A Chance At Happiness, Success, And Living Well.
The alternative is a life mediocrity, a life of being average rather than exceptional. A life of getting by, rather than flourishing. No-one deserves that, but it is what all but the few will take to their graves.
Be different. You never know how far it could take you. This book will help you to:
- Understand yourself, what drives you, what lights you up inside.
- Learn why you must embrace those passions, and use them to form the basis of your life's work.
- Realise that procrastination is a gift, not a curse, a pointer away from the mundane, and towards a life of purpose, fufillment, success, and incredible joy.
- Develop all the self-knowledge you need to succeed in realising your dreams.
- Get started on building the rest of your life, one step at a time.
I've written this book to help YOU, and to help myself. By writing it, I've got a lot of my ideas and dreams onto paper, it's been an incredible experience. I hope that it can truly help you to meet all your goals and aspirations.