"True leaders often have a penchant for self-study, introspection, and wanting to know how to enhance their leadership acumen.
Besides, leadership takes more than 1, 2, 3 or a, b, c list of catchphrases, slogans, or nebulous how-to instructions to obtain, grow, and sustain followers. The truth is: followers don't mind getting in where they fit in, but they won't stay long or give it their very best if questionable behavior, integrity, authority, and standards are pervasively suspect or absent from leadership.
In Leadership and Management B.I.A.S.: How Your Behavior, Integrity, Authority, and Standards Impact Those Around You, you will enjoy a melding of pragmatism, theoretical perspectives, empirical research data, and many years of life's lessons that come off the pages in a succinct and fluid conversational tone that transcends cultures, industries, and ideologies.
While there are more leadership books on the market than one can shake a stick at, there are also more people entering leadership roles -- that will require them to understand the expanding dynamics and nuances of leadership in a globally influenced, technological savvy, collaborative engineering, and more ecumenical-driven social settings. This book helps leaders achieve all of the above."